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  1. NovaRain

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    fores.exe is a custom loader/patcher made by Resurrection team, NOT a renamed fallout2.exe.
  2. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Classic Fallout engine videos playable ingame in HD resolutions

    No need to edit MovieX options. AVI movies will be played instead of MVE when found. AVI itself is just a container, I don't know why mpeg4 video stream in AVI container doesn't work on your side.
  3. NovaRain

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Because Resurrection uses a loader to call fallout2.exe without extension (the "FALLOUT2" file), sfall couldn't figure out the filename so the error pops. You can just use Mash's HRP for Resurrection (set HiResMode=0 in [Main] section in ddraw.ini to disable the nagging), or replace "FALLOUT2"...
  4. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Inventory Filter mod (English version)

    NovaRain submitted a new resource: Inventory Filter mod (English version) - An inventory management helper Read more about this resource...
  5. NovaRain

    Inventory Filter mod (English version) - Inventory Filter mod (English version)

    Originally made by Mr.Stalin, based on the idea of JimTheDinosaur's Inventory Sort Buttons mod. This repack contains a new "GIVE ALL" button image in English so people can see a proper button instead of a white square when enabling the UseGiveAllImage option (the button was available only in...
  6. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Check if your graphics driver sets any kind of FPS limit or vsync on et tu's falllout2.exe.
  7. NovaRain

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    1. Yes. 2. It's those "f2_res.*" files, and the main component is f2_res.dll. Current Steam/GOG release already has it bundled (along with older sfall 3.2) and many TCs have it as well. In Steam/GOG release, fallout2HR.exe is a pre-patched exe that will use Mash's HRP while fallout2.exe is the...
  8. NovaRain

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    In newer windows, some system folders like C:\Program Files (and "x86" one if you're using 64bit windows) are protected by TrustedInstaller special account. Programs need to have elevated permission to make file changes under those folders. The reason I suspect the file permission is that from...
  9. NovaRain

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    You might check if your game is installed under some directories that require special permission to write/modify files.
  10. NovaRain

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Either you installed your game under C:\Program Files directory or the permission to write the exe is limited. As for buildings look strange, make sure you install et tu correctly. It's a Fallout 2 mod that requires files from Fallout 1, if you install it on Fallout 1 game it will not work.
  11. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    That's weird, the ddraw.ini in has the option set to 1.
  12. NovaRain

    13V mod by Lich - 13V mod by Lich

    13V is a Fallout 1 remake/parody. Every NPC has funny dialogs, and there are a few quests that lead to alternative game endings (most are funny disasters). Quests are usually solved by finding specific items hidden in maps. The total conversion is originally made by Lich, and updated by Pyran...
  13. NovaRain

    Does fallout engine support unicode/wide characters?

    No, the engine only uses system's ASCII encoding. That's why Russian version has its own fonts for Cyrillic characters. Guess nowadays people forget how things were before Unicode becomes widely available/supported.
  14. NovaRain

    Walking, excuse me, Living Dead Mod

    Maybe that's how things work on some other forums that you're one of the admins, but certainly not on NMA. It's perfectly fine creating new threads for mod updates/releases (i.e. RP, Megamod, et tu) as long as it's not in a spamming way. This thread hasn't had new posts for nearly 18 years...
  15. NovaRain

    Walking, excuse me, Living Dead Mod

    Why not just make a new thread for the updated repack on your own, instead of keep asking admins to "take over" the first post of old threads? If it's noteworthy, I'm sure Proletären or others will add it to the news, similar to updates news of many other mods/TCs. TBH "multiple topics would...
  16. NovaRain

    UP and RP updates

    Make sure you don't enable sfall's DX9 mode in ddraw.ini if you want to use HRP's graphics modes. My recommended fullscreen setup (assume your desktop resolution is 1920x1080): Mode=6 in [Graphics] section in ddraw.ini. SCR_WIDTH=960, SCR_HEIGHT=540, SCALE_2X=0 in f2_res.ini.
  17. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Make sure your driver doesn't enable vsync or FPS limit for the game.
  18. NovaRain

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Just download 0.81alpha from the links in the first post, any newer versions are solely test builds and might give you more trouble than it's worth. Although personally I don't recommend new players to play FO1 with FIXT, even the "fixes only/purist" version isn't really just bug fixes.
  19. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Check the "DisableHorrigan" setting in your ddraw.ini. If it's not 1, then you did something wrong to your game.
  20. NovaRain

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    sfall 4.3.7 and 3.8.37 are released on SourceForge, along with their respective modders packs. About dropping support for pre-SSE processors, the affected old processors are: Intel - Pentium II, older Celeron (Covington/Mendocino, anything lower than Celeron 533A) AMD - older K7 (Athlon...