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  1. M

    Need help buying a Video Cards for 300w Computer

    You might wanna try looking at GTS250 or GTS450. Although even those might need at least 400-450W supply. I'm not gonna recommend Radeon cards because pretty much all the people I know that have them are constantly running into some driver problems with games. But I bet plenty of people here...
  2. M

    Th4if no more.

    So, we finally found developers more full of shit than Bethesda.
  3. M

    Favorite Stand up Comedian?

    Louis C.K. is hands down the funniest comedian I've ever seen. I loved George Carlin too, but C.K.'s comedy is simply purer. Also love Robin Williams and Lewis Black.
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    CoP is a great exploration game, it doesn't need more action. The problem with it is that you gain too many resources, which eventually kills the survival aspect. I was trying to find a mod that simply lowers the amount of loot significantly and keeps everything else, but it seems that modders...
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    Call of Pripyat is the only game in series that's actually good. Great, even. SoC can be worth a playthrough for the atmosphere too. Clear Sky is a crappy mess though. STALKER games actually let you play them all the time without any pretensions to be bad movies. That's how they are...
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    Th4if no more.

    How unprofessional of you. :lol:
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    Th4if no more.

    It's not like he would even be able to finish it on Normal with the way he plays. Only so much health items you can buy/find.
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    Th4if no more.

    Not to mention things like walking slowly or leaning forward to strike with blackjack. Now that would be rocket science for these morons. Can't even sneak up on a drunk guard. :lol: Why check out controls menu when you can just say it has bad controls. At least there seems to be not a single...
  9. M

    Th4if no more. Gameinformer showing their understanding of the series. We should hope new Thief will be catered to dudes like these, right?
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    Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon

    It's not really THAT weird, it's just a self parodying game that still plays pretty much like Far Cry 3. I definitely like a change in tone and artstyle though.
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    Bioshock Infinite

    The only consistently enjoyable thing about this game to me is atmosphere. I grow bored with actual gameplay rather quickly. It's ok'ish to play in short bursts, an hour at a time or so. Shooting mechanics are about as satisfying as in first Bioshock, which is to say - not at all.
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    I've never had any problems with GTA4 port on two different systems. It has a good amount of options and controls are great. Go ahead and help me with that then. I'll sit in that chat for as much as I can.
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    Dude, I'm always up for some Left 4 Dead 2 versus. Hit me up!
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    I tried entering No Mutants Allowed steam group and it seems to be dead - no people in chat. Is there by chance another steam group where you guys gather?
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    I play Left 4 Dead 2 (mostly versus), Awesomenauts, Torchlight 2, Max Payne 3 on steam. If anyone wants to team up for any of these games, you can find me by same name as here.
  16. M

    Th4if no more.

    Actually I think it's a good idea to just completely reboot it and make it as a separate series, including story, because there's practically no way new Thief will stay close enough to original games anyway. Different developers, different times and different gaming industry. I just hope this...
  17. M

    Dead Space 3

    So, finally started playing this after replaying DS2. Holy crap does it insist on kicking my ass. I'm actually tempted to drop down difficulty to Hard. Plasma cutter is still my best weapon as I don't have resources to craft anything better yet, in chapter 5. I'm hoping lowering difficulty won't...
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    Dead Space 3

    And I used to think the fact that Dead Space has crap writing should be, like, common sense. Wonders of internet.
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    Dead Space 3

    Yeah ok I'll keep it in mind - you can come up with any kind of nonsense as long you call it "advanced technology", then it's quality sci-fi, not magical bullshit. Although it's my own fault for getting sucked into arguments here about story related stuff in Dead Space and DMC - games in which...
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    Devil May Cry

    I thought I was giving reasons why I don't think he's a douche. Are you saying that Dante doing what every decent person would do is a proof that he is, in fact, a douche? I might've misunderstood what a word "douche" means then.