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  1. M

    Dead Space 3

    Yes, completely unlike you using his quote to support your view on how Dead Space doesn't have a cheesy setting.
  2. M

    Aliens Colonial Marines - saddest shit ever?

    AvP3 actually seems like a decent game if you put it next to Colonial Marines.
  3. M

    Dead Space 3

    Yeah just like any other religion that worships artifacts capable of bringing horrible deaths to entire human race. No wonder Unitologists actually became a powerful organization, it's a very mass appealing family-friendly type of worship. One could hardly distinguish them from christians. Yeah...
  4. M

    Dead Space 3

    The magical artifact that reanimates human flesh into The Thing-like monsters, bunch of retarded people accepting said artifact into their hearts as their savior, bunch of other cliches ripped straight of countless sci-fi movies all punctuated by pretty damn awful dialogue scenes and predictable...
  5. M

    Dead Space 3

    Controls feel much better since DS2 as well. Movement is a lot more fluid. I say it's worth playing all three if you like that type of game, because it's not like there are that many decent cheesy sci-fi "horror" games. Definitely not for the story though, simply for the fun you'll have with...
  6. M

    Devil May Cry

    Just as previous ones. What I'm pointing out is how dumb a disposition is employed by people who criticize new DMC because apparently characters and writing suck as opposed to previous games. It's just plain ridiculous. The game isn't some kind of masterpiece, for sure, but the trashing it...
  7. M

    Devil May Cry

    So new Dante is just a douche why exactly? The guy is loyal to his friends and goes out of his way to free the world from demons, but oh wait, he makes few snide remarks along the way and likes to fuck strippers, man what a douchebag, fuck him. And worst of all, he doesn't want to have long...
  8. M

    Devil May Cry

    I honestly think people bitching that new Dante is a "douchebag" and defending old one as a "likeable cheesy guy" is one of the most extreme examples of gamer idiocy I've ever encountered. And leaving aside the story nonsense, new DMC is not a bad game in any way.
  9. M

    Any suggestions? I'm yearning for a new(old) game

    Ugh... bro just stick to old PC and games like Thief for now.. :lol: New Vegas is good compared to Fallout 3, but when you really look at it from a non Fallout fan perspective, it's quite mediocre as a game.
  10. M

    Any suggestions? I'm yearning for a new(old) game

    Why would you need an updated computer for Thief? Not enough HDD space?
  11. M

    Hotline Miami

    One of the coolest indies I've ever played.
  12. M

    Any suggestions? I'm yearning for a new(old) game

    Thief series is definitely what you want. Superb atmosphere, superb sound design, superb exploration and avoiding combat is pretty much the only way to play. Boy does it feel nice after a joint. :wink: At some parts I would stop just to enjoy the ambient soundtrack. Play all three games...
  13. M

    THQ humble bundle

    :lol: Because stealing is bad? Are Thief games banned over there too?
  14. M

    GTA V

    Mission design in GTA4 was more repetitive than in VC or SA, no getting around that fact. But also, the driving mechanics became a lot more fun to me since 4 with also somewhat improved shooting. Those alone made me have a lot of fun with it anyway. Plus I can forgive a weaker SP campaign when I...
  15. M

    GTA V

    I played xbox360 and PC version, PC version runs and looks AND controls way better. This statement was even true for my older dual core system with gts 250 card while playing unpatched game version, it runs like a fucking charm now on my newer PC that is still long way from being high-end...
  16. M

    Alan Wake

    What's a "real gameplay" to you then? I thought the action was pretty fun, with satisfying shooting mechanics.
  17. M

    Resident Evil 6

    If you ask me, neither were any of the previous games. This entire franchise is way too cheesy to be actually scary. I still think RE4 is the best game in the series and I greatly enjoyed 5, although they were pushing it with QTEs already in the latter. If 6 is going even further in that...
  18. M

    The New Thief and System Shock 2 Patches

    It was released for Thief 2 and System Shock 2, but it already has been integrated into latest TFix for Thief 1. Works like a charm. Latest SS2Tool also has it now.
  19. M

    Dark Souls

    This is ridiculously addictive. Yesterday had nothing else to do so ended up killing Gaping Dragon, Queelag, Havel and Hydra in one day. Now I'm carrying Elite Knight armor set with Zweihander, thanks to Havel's ring. Feels pretty good.
  20. M

    Dark Souls

    Yes I've found out too late myself that Endurance is way more important than Resistance. Now I'm constantly struggling to keep my load under 50%. I hope I can defeat Havel soon, that ring of his seems ever more attractive now. Plus I need to double my STR to be able to wield that Black Knight...