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  1. MIB88

    Help using the official mapper

    Thanks for the suggestion. I never did get the mapper working, though (something about a ddraw error). On the bright side, I did find out why the map wasn't loading... complete rookie mistake. On the bright side, though: the submarine location will finally make it into the MM on the next...
  2. MIB88

    Help using the official mapper

    So, I am all out of ideas. I'm trying to add the submarine map from the Restoration Project (RP) to the Megamod (MM). I don't want to have to recreate the whole map. To this end, I have done what I have always done to include a new map: I install the mod to some location, open the map in the...
  3. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    It IS a lot of work for only a little gain if every script has to be modded rather than creating a single script via sfall if it's possible. That is the reason I asked, because it's not just for certain NPCs. You say it will make one ignore those NPCs if they aren't already ignoring their trade...
  4. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    I think maybe I wasn't clear enough. I wasn't referring to shopkeepers or merchants, since they want to sell their goods already. And I wasn't considering adding random equipment to NPCs in the game. I was referring to the existing equipment that non-merchants have already. No random elements...
  5. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    @Nirran I'm glad to see you are still modding this game. I've also got a few ideas for perks I'd like to implement, but I need to work out some details, first. Til then, I've got something to run past you: I'd like to make barter a little more useful. I think there is a mod out there that...
  6. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    @Muttie Holy moly! That's gonna take me a while to get through! Thanks, though. :cool: That is something from TeamX's New Vision mod. It's not a bug at the Jennings Farm. The scripts on those critters call for those weapons to be destroyed upon their deaths. Maybe it was their intention to...
  7. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I have a tendency to abbreviate my intentions. But yes, you did interpret my intentions correctly in your edit. ;) I think it's not unreasonable to add more checks for Morlis. I never even paid attention to the endurance requirement. I'll need to consider this one a little more. Unarmed does...
  8. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Found some bad code in the map script. This problem has been fixed. It sounds like an oversight to me. If I can get that script apart without too much trouble (the TeamX files have proven difficult in the past, causing near-complete reconstruction many times), then I'll add the XP. That's a...
  9. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    @_Pyran_ Thank you very much for these fixes. I'll make sure to include them in the next release. @All I know I "went dark" for a while. Work and travel have kept me extremely busy. But, I promise that I'm not finished modding yet. @MrWeedster I haven't added the submarine from the RP yet...
  10. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    The latest version of Lenny should be from March 2018. I just tested it last night, and it is working properly. And, if you add the Abbey Holodisk to your inventory, the quests will still not work. I went through the head monk's script last night. There were various nodes that were numbered...
  11. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Thanks, @naossano , for the report. I will address these as I fix them. I just corrected the Monastery. Turns out an incorrect node was being called in the script when you accept the first mission. I have corrected the bug and the player will now get a holodisk from the head monk in order to...
  12. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Ah, good. Um... I'd have to take apart those scripts to see what is going on. But you're right: Even if you have negative karma or a negative reputation in the town, you should get some kind of float, I would think. I'll check into it. But, it sounds like a bug. I've got something like this...
  13. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    No, it is definitely true. Period. End of sentence. You had to have seen it in the script. There is only a 5 tick delay. So, practically immediately. I don't even recognize where that message comes from. It's not in the generic text nor Cassidy's. As for rewriting/recompiling a script and...
  14. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Exactly. It would make for a poor gameplay design. That's why it's not included. When Cassidy uses a drug and he doesn't have the heart pills, the death happens immediately. So, either the character didn't have the heart pills... Or, there is a drug that is not accounted for in the vccasidy...
  15. MIB88

    map editor: 160 map limit

    I'm pretty sure that if you try to use a number above 255, then either your mapper will warn you or your game will just crash. I have a vague feeling that I learned that by doing it once. Of course. Easy, actually. I stole the files from the XP Mod! That was it! Easy, right? ;) Really, I did...
  16. MIB88

    map editor: 160 map limit

    I, too, hope someone can figure out a way to go past the 255 map limit. But, @Zorchar, you can still use some of those map locations. There are a lot of them included for a mod that isn't included in the MM yet (Fallout Forever, or Dominion, I can't remember). So, you could still use 187 - 194...
  17. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I don't want you all to think I'm ignoring you. Things are just busy lately. @Maldredda Thank you for the posts! They are always entertaining. @Everyone Thanks for the posts and reports. And before I forget: I don't know of a way to force party NPCs to use Unarmed weapons (instead of none) if...
  18. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Thanks for all the reports. If you have any text files that begin with "tribe" they should all be renamed to "rtribe" or "rtrib". Originally, the MM had a different version of the Primitive Tribe that is included now. The one included now is the one from the Restoration Project. Of course...
  19. MIB88

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Actually, to complete the quest, you only have to enter those two locations. As soon as you go down the stairs at the general store and at Algernon's place, a spatial script is triggered. You could enter those locations and leave without doing anything and the requirements are met. I'm not sure...