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  1. Mr muggyman 3000

    Shit looks like i am the last non sjw standing:(

    Shit looks like i am the last non sjw standing:(
  2. Mr muggyman 3000

    He hasn't yet i think he will though then i will be the only edgelord standing

    He hasn't yet i think he will though then i will be the only edgelord standing
  3. Mr muggyman 3000

    Cookies and creme can't compare to my negro beam

    Cookies and creme can't compare to my negro beam
  4. Mr muggyman 3000


  5. Mr muggyman 3000

    Dam only 9 on here people lol see? This what happens when y'all get all triggered and ban happy

    Dam only 9 on here people lol see? This what happens when y'all get all triggered and ban happy
  6. Mr muggyman 3000


  7. Mr muggyman 3000


  8. Mr muggyman 3000

    (The) OLDerites can shove their#rulesmattterfuckfreespeech agenda up their liberal Hilary CUNToN...

    (The) OLDerites can shove their#rulesmattterfuckfreespeech agenda up their liberal Hilary CUNToN licking non binary genderd assholes P.s jk I love each and every one your non binary assholes..please don't ban me
  9. Mr muggyman 3000

    Omg first Vergil now rangerboo?. How many people need to leave before you censorship loving...

    Omg first Vergil now rangerboo?. How many people need to leave before you censorship loving communists realize that y'all have gone to far?
  10. Mr muggyman 3000

    Favorite comic publisher

    I used to like marvel to. It's really sad seeing them slowly spiral into a sjw cesspool. If you want to read some good image comics here's some recommendations. -1 invincible. It was created by Robert kirkmen(guy who made walking dead). It's a pretty good supphero book with a good amount of...
  11. Mr muggyman 3000

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Awsome bos Christmas gif 10fucks/10
  12. Mr muggyman 3000

    Grow a dam pair you Yiddish Cuck

    Grow a dam pair you Yiddish Cuck
  13. Mr muggyman 3000

    He got banned because the sjw mods got butt hurt at his opinions and banned him like the little...

    He got banned because the sjw mods got butt hurt at his opinions and banned him like the little Fascist cucks they are
  14. Mr muggyman 3000

    Trump wins

    I know I'm derailing this thread right now but fuck it!! I'm gonna turn this whole dam thread into a Vergil memorial appreciation thread.
  15. Mr muggyman 3000

    I refuse to let his legacy die. I will continue where he left off, I will fill the beautiful Jew...

    I refuse to let his legacy die. I will continue where he left off, I will fill the beautiful Jew skin shoes he left empty. From this day forward I am Vergil reincarnated!!!
  16. Mr muggyman 3000

    He was more then just a nazi meme. He was a symbol he represented everything that nma stands...

    He was more then just a nazi meme. He was a symbol he represented everything that nma stands for. Now that he's gone who's going to stand up to that social regressive ct Phipps? Or keep the trump thread alive?. This entire forum will collapse without his majestic presence.
  17. Mr muggyman 3000


  18. Mr muggyman 3000

    My waifu Vergil is banned?... fuck this yid faggot loving site y'all are just a bunch of...

    My waifu Vergil is banned?... fuck this yid faggot loving site y'all are just a bunch of spineless sjws you banned a beautiful aryan angel
  19. Mr muggyman 3000

    Literally everytime the kid opened his mouth was fucking terrible. All the jokes fell flat, and...

    Literally everytime the kid opened his mouth was fucking terrible. All the jokes fell flat, and every actor besides Keaton look like they belong in a Disney sitcom. On your second point every Thor movie have been a complete waste of space
  20. Mr muggyman 3000

    What part of that fucking cringe fest was good @R.Graves? Was it because you can relate to the...

    What part of that fucking cringe fest was good @R.Graves? Was it because you can relate to the "cucktacular spider man?"