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  1. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin looked up at Carib as he stood up and took his hand. "Be careful, alright? I don't want you winding up dead on me so soon." She pulled his hand down a bit and kissed his knuckles. Though this thing with him was new and she didn't plan on settling down and building a ranch with him, she...
  2. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin's eyebrows knitted together. ''They not only took my brother, but then managed to lose him. If they are going after him too, I will drop them. Try to stop me and you'll just be more dead Steel.'' Her anger made her slip into using the raider term for the Brotherhood of Steel. ''Those are...
  3. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin nodded. "Ok, you might be useful. But I need to make this clear. Evan may be your brother by the faction you follow, but he is mine by blood. This is about saving him and keeping him safe. And I intend to kill anything that gets in my way, including the Brotherhood of Steel. If you have a...
  4. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    You could always just remake him? I don't mean start over entirely. just make him how he is supposed to look. Though I find that the character creator in Fallout doesn't give you much room for detail. My Yasmin I made on it looks nothing like she's supposed to because her face has so much...
  5. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin was surprised. "You're Brotherhood of Steel? And you don't know they are still running?"
  6. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin raised her brows at the really weird man. "Why? As far as you are concerned the Brotherhood 'perished', right? So how can you be helpful against something you didn't know still existed?"
  7. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    (Nevest, was that towards her, or yourself?) Yasmin nodded. ''If we wait till we're all ready then get it on the way it'll save time. Unless there's anything you need right now?''
  8. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Courier: Thanks, that'll help. Ok, for everybody who Yasmin wasn't adressing, you didn't hear everything she said, because she was being careful with how loud she was talking. Though for the sake of moving the story along, if you would like to have hear key words that peaked your interest...
  9. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    (Giving the story a kick in the 'plot' direction again. No more cruising.) Water had never felt so good. Yas had the hot cranked up as far as it’d go and it hit her in scolding jets. She just stood and soaked for a while before taking her knife and some of the soap they had their and shaving...
  10. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin sat Brad down next to Carib. ''Watch him, please? He got the shit beat out of him and I'm not sure he's alright. And Tom's poisoned himself. And there's a freakshow out there.'' She brushed her hair out of her eyes. The dust was sticking to her sweat leaving black streaks on her skin...
  11. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Krepe, any examples of what Tom looks like? I drew something up, but it's so generic. It looks like about 50 characters from Oblivion. A reference would be great. An actor, a drawing, even a decent screencap would be better than nothing.
  12. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin, who was helping Brad passed as the ghoul requested payment, stopped and looked at him. ''If you are charging 20 extra caps for water, it's not free water. It's 20 caps. Which is expensive.'' She looked at Tom. ''I'll give you the water.''
  13. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin nodded. ''Ok, about next time one of us goes with you, m'kay? We don't want you dead and going out by yourself while there's a man after your blood is a bad idea. Come on back to our cabin. And rest a bit. It's dusty, but I'm pretty sure nobody will try to kill you.'' She...
  14. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    They don't need to leave the caravan just cause the pretty lady isn't talking to them. Guys, if your character doesn't feel like standing round, there is more to do in the caravan than getting recruited. We will get to that bit and you can wait for her or ask the guys (though it looks like...
  15. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin looked over at Brad's crumpled body, then back to the small group. ''I'll deal with this later.'' She ran over to him as he was standing up and grabbed his arm with surprising strength to keep him up. ''Brad, what the hell happened to you? You look like somebody killed and burried you...
  16. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Yes, making your character leave while there's nobody to run after them and ask them to stay doesn't often work. You got lucky, but I suggest not writing yourself out before we begin.
  17. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Yas is not a morning person. Or a people person. So having a whole bunch of people approaching her in the morning while she's coated in dust is making her snippy. Plus she is wary as to why a stranger, who knows nothing of them, is asking for work.
  18. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin put her hands on her hips. ''Why the fuck am I suddenly popular? And why would you just offer your services? You don't know if I need services or what I'm going to do. I could be planning a mass suicide.''
  19. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin looked around at the strange group that had accumulated. ''And I thought I was weird.'' She focused on the mutant eating....she really didn't want to know what. ''Ok, one conflict delt with. So, what do you want?''