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  1. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Krepe, not yet. He can easily start feeling sick. Poison is a trap too, if you're so keen for Tom to take damage. There is no such thing as magical unopened whiskey in this rp.
  2. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    I can't post in the RP till tomorrow, stuck on just my phone for now. Need a laptop for long posts like what is coming up.
  3. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    No, but he could be stabbed easily enough. And I love how there is conveniently an unopened bottle of whiskey in there, right in the front door, where Tom can see it. Bit too coincidental, ey? Sounds like a trap to me.
  4. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Oi, Reno, no, no, no. You chose to go check out downstairs, you stay downstairs. You can't just insert yourself into the action. Both teams are going at the same time, by the time Brad found out there was nothing and got to the other group, they'll have killed the Fiends. It's not like they are...
  5. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Yeah, this'd be so much easier if everyone was in the same room so I could actually let you guys know what the hell this places looks like when you walk in. But for the most part you fill things in ok yourself. Though i was really tempted to make that whiskey that...was it Tom? drank turn out to...
  6. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Well, you asked. I wasn't going to say how many there were, but you guys like to take the initiative a little too much and give yourselves baddies to fight, so what is SUPPOSED to be a almost deserted ******** *******, turns into a swarm of Fiends and fucks up the story. But you chose the wrong...
  7. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Exactly, Chrome. And I never said kill. But you cannot always get out of fights scratch free, and if I notice anyone being too precious with their character, sure, they'll cop a cazador to the face. Or I'll write combat where you unavoidably get hit straight up, as a reminder to rp fairly. Yas...
  8. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Well, Walpknut, since pretty much nobody is treating this like a board game and leaving the enemy encounters up to me the way a DM would, why should I dice roll when I can just say "she stabbed him"? Besides, I doubt people are really going to roll dice every time they go to shoot something and...
  9. RavenJeanGraves

    Darkness Falls OOC

    I agree. This is totally unrealistic. Even if you'd had more time, pretty sure somebody would have seen something suss and found all these bundles of C4.
  10. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Two Fiends down, three to go. Yep, there are only five to kill in total.
  11. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin looked at her brother. "We'll you aren't leaving my sight. If you want to go check out that way, then I'll follow." He nodded. "Right. Whoever wants to come this way, stick with us. If you want to check out the other ways, go for it. But saving people comes before scavenging. These...
  12. RavenJeanGraves

    Darkness Falls OOC

    Don't wait for me guys, I'm full on with uni and Blood Ties. Not sure if I still have time to RP here too, but for now just assume Yas is helping James shoot people in the face.
  13. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Evan looked at the other side of the room, since the big area was empty barring the usual boxes and clutter you found in factories. There was a door leading further back, plus one off to the right. Up on the next floor was a metal grid walk way and three doors leading onto it. He kept his voice...
  14. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Ah, good! Sometimes it doesn't translate back from Spanish to English well. It was pretty much Evan saying he though David was a bit of a prick and Yasmin saying he had his uses. Like that.
  15. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Got it. You'll get floor plans when it makes its way to the top of my list of priorities. If you guys want basic translations of what they are saying in Spanish, let me know.
  16. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Evan gave David a distasteful look then glanced at Yasmin. “Hombre, qué un pinchazo de mierda.” She smiled and shrugged. “Sé. Él es una molestia, pero él tiene sus aplicaciones. Un escudo humano, por ejemplo.” They both laughed and she moved to the door. It felt good having Evan around and...
  17. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Evan looked at Tom in surprise as he ran over, and nodded in response to his question. "Yes, I am. Operated out of the main base." he looked at his sister. "Just how many people did you bring with you to get me?" She smiled and shrugged. "Enough. There were more, but they dropped off. I...
  18. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    This isn't like anything from the canon, maps won't be of help. I'll probably have to draw up more dodgy floor plans for this to make sense...
  19. RavenJeanGraves

    New Vegas: Blood Ties

    Yasmin turned her radio back on and lifted it to her lips, holding down the button to speak. "Don't get cocky, mate. You're not the only sniper here. And though snipers are more powerful, we'll have a much closer range. Our bullets will beat yours. But since this probably isn't going to be...
  20. RavenJeanGraves

    Fallout New Vegas RPG

    Only problem is all our different time zones. During my days I'm pretty much constantly checking the forum to see if anyone has posted. I'm all excited that we've gotten to this bit that I'm getting impatient. On the plus side, I've got a whole bunch of future posts half written. Bad side, I...