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  1. Practicat

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Should I merge the sfall that comes by default with the latest sfall, v4.0.3, or only keep with the one that comes by default? I'm playing Crazy Edition, which comes with sfall2 v1.8, which looks like a custom version made for Fallout: Nevada. In the ddraw.ini, there are values that are specific...
  2. Practicat

    Which Fallout Was Better? (2018)

    If Fallout 2 didn't have fourth wall breaking I'd rank it over New Vegas, even with the right gameplay mods for the latter. FNV's inheritance of undesirable mechanics of F3 like always taking at least 15% damage no matter what attacks you and lack of different damage types like normal, fire...
  3. Practicat

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

    I have a question about getting the ending where Vault City joins NCR. The requirements for it as per Fallout 2 without the unofficial patch are as follows: I've read from post #10 on this page,, that picking up the reward from Randal is...
  4. Practicat

    This goes out to any fellow Americans: Do what you can to support net neutrality. Don't let them...

    This goes out to any fellow Americans: Do what you can to support net neutrality. Don't let them take away our freedoms.
  5. Practicat

    New Vegas in Fallout 4. From Goodsprings to Primm (NO LOD)

    That's true, but a demo that features only a small region could still, for what it provides in its smaller scope, play and look better. Of course people will be wanting a full game from playing the demo, in which case the developers will probably need to be paid, which wouldn't be legal if they...
  6. Practicat

    New Vegas in Fallout 4. From Goodsprings to Primm (NO LOD)

    Rather than making a new engine largely from scratch, it would be easier to make a Fallout game in Unity or UE4. I made a few levels of a stealth simulation game in Unity based on the X-13 infiltration tests in Old World Blues, complete with robot hall monitors (I used the Threshing Clawer from...
  7. Practicat

    It makes sense that the Resource Wars were climate change-induced, and the petroleum and uranium...

    It makes sense that the Resource Wars were climate change-induced, and the petroleum and uranium shortages were a compounding factor.
  8. Practicat

    The /v/ F:NV threads are fun. Plus they allow me to expand my meme collection.

    The /v/ F:NV threads are fun. Plus they allow me to expand my meme collection.
  9. Practicat

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I've fully returned to Age of Empires 2 after 9 years. I've had some interest in between, but it was always temporary and brief. I've been watching perhaps the greatest player, TheViper, play through the campaigns for the first time, surprisingly. The way AoE2 presents cutscenes through...
  10. Practicat

    Prediction: The Nintendo Switch will be considered a failure within 7 months, similar to the Wii U.

    Prediction: The Nintendo Switch will be considered a failure within 7 months, similar to the Wii U.
  11. Practicat

    I have made my first Fallout New Vegas mod - Sole Survivor joke mod

    It would help to add an image. Did you model his face after the default male character? Anyway, it's good to see the F4 player character ridiculed for the joke they are.
  12. Practicat

    The Fallout 4 review by members of No Mutants Allowed

    What skills can do that perks cannot is allow for a greater range of character requirements and expression, such as through dialogue, tasks, weapon skill requirements, recipes, and perk selection, using a 100 point range. Perk ranks are limited to only a handful and lack the range available...
  13. Practicat

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Maybe the only annoying bug I've had using Fallout Fixt, the Delta experiments log doesn't display correctly (15 pages of error is all that can be seen): For reference, here is the correct text: The Military has deemed it necessary for us to research further in depth the effects of wave...
  14. Practicat

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    The Star Wars: Rebels Mid-Season 3 trailer was released today. We're going to see some of Saw Gerrera's experiences that led to his state in Rogue One, which should provide much-needed characterization for him. The mid-season premier (on January 7) will show how Saw was debilitated, explaining...
  15. Practicat

    Blade Runner 2049 announcement trailer!

    Scott did say that Deckard was a replicant, an assertion that I didn't like. I'm glad that the trailer is close to confirming that Deckard isn't a replicant, which means Scott rescinded the assertion, which might be a sign that he's taking advice in a way that's better than before. The great...
  16. Practicat

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    I read that there are some Star Wars: Rebels references, which I'm happy to know.
  17. Practicat

    Maybe there's an association between his taste and his approach to his mods. More specifically...

    Maybe there's an association between his taste and his approach to his mods. More specifically, he was excited from the trailers and demos for Fallout 4. Regardless, the Bounties series to me is uninspired.
  18. Practicat

    Creatively lacking, story is told by word and not through action. Learned today that Someguy...

    Creatively lacking, story is told by word and not through action. Learned today that Someguy actually was excited for Fallout 4
  19. Practicat

    I finished NV Bounties 3. I liked it even less than 2. Various choices, but almost all...

    I finished NV Bounties 3. I liked it even less than 2. Various choices, but almost all superficial. Far from capturing the tone of Fallout.
  20. Practicat

    Why is a battle going on in the DC ruins?

    It's not worth arguing over to me because there's no evolution to those encounters. They're completely static. Bethesda just set them up, but there are no scripts that change any of it depending on quests you do. There should have been a evolution of course, at least with Broken Steel, but this...