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  1. Practicat

    Star Wars Thread

    @Mr Fish I disagree with your criticism of the lightsaber. In Fallout, a similar technology are the holograms, which can even shoot lasers and might be solid (I'm not sure because their solid state might be an engine limitation - NPCs must be physical objects as far as I know). And for...
  2. Practicat

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    To answer Someguy37's points regarding other examples of unusual or strange things in the Fallout universe, the Vault experiments stretched credulity, but Caesar's reason for adopting Roman-based uniforms and rules for his Legion at least doesn't violate common sense or simple reasoning (which...
  3. Practicat

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    It does defy common sense or simple reasoning that Nuka Cola would have the best chemists in the world working for them, if that's true. The best chemists in any world would be working on research that isn't limited to a narrow and mundane field such as colas. In the end, it's just a drink. This...
  4. Practicat

    No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

    NMS' player count is down about 50%, according to Steam. But I guess we won't have an answer until Hello Games' next game.
  5. Practicat

    No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

    It looks like Sean Murray's reputation will be tarnished permanently. Being called worse than Molyneux by a good many. He brought it upon himself and could have easily avoided most of it if he didn't dupe people and misrepresent the game.
  6. Practicat

    Fallout: New Orleans trademark registered in Europe

    I would be interested in a new Fallout game if there's a skills-based character system and an engine that is not Creation engine or another iteration of it. Something would have to be done about the ghoul design and behavior. The future of the lore is currently unaffected besides the issue...
  7. Practicat

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    Fallout 4 didn't have to be released for me to say "Fuck Bethesda and fuck their Fallout 4," based upon my conviction toward its character system.
  8. Practicat

    Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

    I still affirm that many are being slowly lulled into BGS' (awful) portrayal of Fallout. This is also BGS' strategy. One thing makes way for another in a steady transition. But there is also a large group (which includes us at NMA) that is aware of this and won't fall for it.
  9. Practicat

    Logo looks totally fake. But it could be a placeholder, as happens with many trademarks. Still...

    Logo looks totally fake. But it could be a placeholder, as happens with many trademarks. Still looks fake.
  10. Practicat

    Trump is winning

    Trump lost every poll in every single swing state as of yesterday. The election would have been a landslide victory for Hillary if it had taken place yesterday or today. The debates are upcoming, and he's most likely going to be out-debated by Hillary, considering his former debate performances...
  11. Practicat

    We could lessen it greatly by making every member complete a one time captcha on their account.

    We could lessen it greatly by making every member complete a one time captcha on their account.
  12. Practicat

    Just played two games of caravan online. Won the first game, lost the second.

    Just played two games of caravan online. Won the first game, lost the second.
  13. Practicat

    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    My revulsion to the Legion is attributed to their excessive brutality and use of slavery. I admire parts of their code of conduct and military, but my revulsion to the former two aspects overrides this admiration irrespective of its strength. I agree with the notion that Caesar himself is a...
  14. Practicat

    "Unauthorized entry detected." It was an interesting sight because kids can't be killed.

    "Unauthorized entry detected." It was an interesting sight because kids can't be killed.
  15. Practicat

    Exited the Strip back to Freeside, and the kids that chase the rat spawned in front of me and...

    Exited the Strip back to Freeside, and the kids that chase the rat spawned in front of me and were promptly attacked by the securitrons
  16. Practicat

    I'm wondering if the Great Khans should have been presented more ambiguously...

    They're still very much into drug peddling, of which most drugs have no medicinal or beneficial purpose, like jet. Asking Jack or Diane whether they're drug dealers causes them to say they're "expanding their business" and some other things in a positive connotation. But other than that, it...
  17. Practicat

    The Legion Returning?

    I would have liked the Legion as a concept much more if they didn't use latin so heavily, if at all. However, I'm fine with the Roman military aesthetic.
  18. Practicat

    Why are people still making mods for this game?

    I wonder whether Someguy2000 will even bother to mod F4. He did post on Nexus some thoughts about his plans and F4, mentioning the voiced PC in particular as a restriction. Regarding other restrictions, the four options limit could be circumvented (only partially) by having the fourth response...
  19. Practicat

    Contraptions Workshop

    The Metacritic reviews still need a bigger sample size (maybe minimum of 150?) for a greater confidence interval. I trust the numbers, here.
  20. Practicat

    If what you want to say doesn't fit with the forums, it goes here.

    If what you want to say doesn't fit with the forums, it goes here.