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  1. Practicat

    Mods/GECK will fix it. Nope.

    If it's possible to add a skills system into F4, how difficult would it be to copy FNV's rule set for skills? Even if it's not integrated into the base game, that doesn't matter to me, as other mods that are intended to provide a good RPG experience may use it.
  2. Practicat

    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

    Today marks seven years since Fallout: New Vegas was announced. If Bethesda licenses Fallout to Obsidian again for a 2019/2020 release, that would hopefully be welcome (if they aren't forced to adopt Bethesda's constraints).
  3. Practicat

    R.I.P. Fallout (the one without political discussions)

    Follow the premise of Fiat Voluntas Tua from A Canticle for Leibowitz, where humanity had long ago survived one cataclysmic event entirely of its own doing, but are back on the path headed for wide scale destruction. This second time, the end may come through different means, so the looming...
  4. Practicat

    So...Bethesda's Closed Beta testing the Creation Kit.

    I hope the community adopts the de facto standard of not having a voiced PC for quest mods. Time will be spent elsewhere on more interesting and useful things, and it would be a clear message to Beth that the voiced PC is not welcome.
  5. Practicat

    Things That Serve No Point

    Maybe the 4 dialogue options constraint did save them a notable amount of money in light of a voiced PC. That way, while writing the dialogue, they wouldn't have risked writing more than what they were willing to budget to recording the VAs. Considering they still would have made a lot, if not...
  6. Practicat

    Preparing for the future

    DDT is relatively safe to humans. It's still moderately toxic, and will do harm (although negligible in the immediate sense) to the individual rather than good. But in regions where malaria is an issue, most people will undoubtedly support the use of DDT because it's harmful effects are so...
  7. Practicat

    Does the AI check to see if it would fall off a ledge while performing an attack animation that...

    Does the AI check to see if it would fall off a ledge while performing an attack animation that involves lunging?
  8. Practicat

    But you shouldn't have signed up initially knowing you didn't have a PC copy or could be sure...

    But you shouldn't have signed up initially knowing you didn't have a PC copy or could be sure you would get one in time.
  9. Practicat

    Give it to someone you trust to not break the NDA and possibly get you in trouble. That's my...

    Give it to someone you trust to not break the NDA and possibly get you in trouble. That's my recommendation.
  10. Practicat

    Virtual reality in gaming

    HTC Vive is the other option that many speak more favorably of, partly because your data isn't being sent to a 3rd party. Of course the VR headsets come at the cost of wearers being the victim of pranks and worse, possibly getting their stuff stolen. Though the higher chance of that happening...
  11. Practicat

    Virtual reality in gaming

    It should open up opportunity for games that feature melee combat, allowing for greater dependence on player skill, and a much greater skill curve than almost anything we've seen in the past.
  12. Practicat

    I have been reading A Canticle for Leibowitz, and I've enjoyed seeing the inspiration Fallout...

    I have been reading A Canticle for Leibowitz, and I've enjoyed seeing the inspiration Fallout got from it.
  13. Practicat

    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout Unless Beth is licensing Fallout to someone else (probably not Obsidian) within the next two years, it looks more like there will be another 7 year wait for Beth's "Fallout" 5.
  14. Practicat

    Penne with melted mozzarella-provolone blend and a good tomato sauce is my personal favorite.

    Penne with melted mozzarella-provolone blend and a good tomato sauce is my personal favorite.
  15. Practicat

    Fallout 4 Automatron is out

    The FNV DLC don't have high user or critic scores either. Honest Hearts has a 66 critic score and 6.7 user score from 113 reviews. Even Old World Blues does best with only a 7.7 user score. My personal scores are higher, but I still wouldn't give any of them, even Old World Blues, above 90.
  16. Practicat

    Poll: Could they make you come back?

    "Guys, I lied, I made that part up about being part of the chess club."
  17. Practicat

    Does your class require Java 5? I'm curious, are you interested in eventually pursuing it as a...

    Does your class require Java 5? I'm curious, are you interested in eventually pursuing it as a major? It's my major at my uni.
  18. Practicat

    ArrayList has the get method. It doesn't matter whatsoever, but are you using Java 8?

    ArrayList has the get method. It doesn't matter whatsoever, but are you using Java 8?
  19. Practicat

    I'm Calling It (Automatron DLC)

    That the Mechanist isn't a returning character is a trivial issue, though. I didn't care that it was someone else when I found out from the leak.
  20. Practicat

    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

    To clarify, by dead, I meant the idea that Fallout has no future, which is what I interpreted from Mr. Fish's comment.