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  1. S

    Steve Jobs died

    Well, 56 is a bit young these days, but type As like him usually burns faster than others. I am not the biggest fan of his products, but I do have to bow to his vision. He was certainly the face of the term PC and mouse. All the 3D craze these days were probably influenced in some way by...
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    Grown man hunts down and attacks child who kills him in CoD

    Hm.., I am not out to justify their actions but it's not hard to understand them. Given the fact that the man is already at a somewhat low point of his life, with the chance of success that seemed far away and chance of failures seemed to be everywhere, the guy takes some fleeting pleasure...
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    Why mainstream Science doesn't accept Atlantis theories

    I don't mind the Aliens talk, since it's much better than usual boring religious talk. It really doesn't make that much more difference to me whether you call it God, Allah, Zeus, Vishnu or Aliens. Of course, I'll probably get tarred and feathered to say that in certain places around the...
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    Sequels that should be f***ing made.

    I played Bushido Blade in the arcade, or something similar to it. It was fun pretending my childish years in kendo had any real impact in the game. Typing of the dead was also hilarious. Alright, round 2. Vagrant Story - given the gameplay mechanics of this game, this game will...
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    NMA was hacked

    lol, OMG, I don't think anyone would believe me when I say what email I used to register at this place. Damn, have I really be here that long? Ok, netscape, let's see if I remember your password... Looks like my old acc was either deleted as suspended, interesting, but it still let me enter...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Restarted on Eternal Poison. Strangely, it's one of the least known games I've encountered. I bought it strictly because I couldn't find any real information about it. It's also interesting that it was able to get away with a Canadian release without French instructions. There are a few...
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    I was reading Wired and I found this article about this strange thing fairly suitable for NMA. So, what's your take on it? There are links in the wiki post that will allow you to listen to it. Any...
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    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    Agree with BN here. But maybe it's too hard for people to come up with anything new these days? Since new is so risky when the markets are going to hell?
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    what is your favorit roleplaying game

    Holy..., oh wait, it's from 2003. Wow, 8 freaking years. For a second I thought Rosh came back all of the sudden. Well, those were the days, huh? This is a heck of a necro though. :P As for the thread, I did some Cyberpunk and Whitewolf. A bit of LARP too when I was younger. *goes...
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    Sequels that should be f***ing made.

    Instead of sequels, I would just like to see a few old games available as compilations like the Sega smash pack for PS3. If they can be just slightly updated with maybe a better interface or bigger inventory (since we have memory galore now :P ) , that would be nice. Of course, there are some...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Is that a Pokemon? 4.5/10
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Freaking online access needed to access farther game contents. This is the reason why I hate these half breed games. You want to be a MMO, go ahead. If you are a single player game, stay freaking single player! Why the hell do I have to play online to access farther content on the single...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I picked up Folklore on PS3 by chance without knowing anything about it, so now I am playing it. The acting and dialogue is a meh, and quite a few plot elements are barely skirting the boundaries of reality. (I am sorry, it's a bit far fetched for me to believe that some 23 years old regular...
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    Bethesda suing Notch

    lol, what is this? A scene from undergrad? Then does that mean a lawsuit that costs thousands of dollars and a waste of everyone's time is just nothing more than a college freshmens' geek fight? Does that mean little Todd got snubbed in someone during the "chat" about his, I don't know...
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    6. August 1945

    lol, if you are going to go that route, then it's more likely for China to have a civil war before it goes to war against anybody else. People are only willing to tolerate CCP elites squeezing them dry for so long. As soon as the CCP is unable to deliver the economical benefits of their rule...
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    Bethesda suing Notch

    Isn't the whole thing a publicity thing? I mean, more news is good news right? Get the message out and all that. Beth has always been desperate to look like a "Normal" media company.
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    6. August 1945

    lol, It's extremely unlikely that China will declare war on the US. Should China ever goes to war against the US, China will be the big loser financially. US can probably just promptly forget about 1 trillion dollars worth of debt that the Chinese owns. :lol: Well, it is a sombre day in...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Well, if that's the case, looks one of the one of my most anticipated games will stay on their store shelves. Seriously, you already made millions with WOW, so why bother with another MMO? If you were going to make a Diablo MMO, then make one already, don't make these fake arse pretend single...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I just finished Alice:Madness returns. What a let down. How typical of a Chinese company, can't finish a project to save their lives. There is no ending! How anticlimactic can one get? Anyway, I was reading some mecha stuff, so I went back to play Front Mission.
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    An observation and a question

    Hm..., since I am fairly poor at remember names, I tend to associate avatar with the handle/person. That's why I get confused when people change them frequently. There are also some people that use the same avatars, and that gets more confusing. I mean, this isn't the "face"book, so...