Search results

  1. S

    Thoughts on Arcanum in 3-D FPS/Hybrid?

    lol, at times like this, I miss Rosh. I don't know how many times we've had this type of "discussions". RT v.s. TB First person v.s. Third person/iso. If you can't get into a particular type of game mechanics, then stop playing the games. I never liked FPSs, and it has never...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Alice: The Madness Returns. It's fairly obvious that it was made by a Chinese studio. It's just a sloppy game. The controls are clunky and quite a few stretches of the game was very tedious. A few major gripes, one is that due to some stupid part of the game play mechanics, music is almost...
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    I'd like some opinions on Morrowind

    lol, that depends on your point of view. I can use the console to play god and that would probably be definitely considered cheating. But I don't consider things I can already do within the framework of the game cheating. Are clothing mods and housing mods cheating? Since I didn't "pay" for...
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    I'd like some opinions on Morrowind

    Huh? That wasn't too hard. Remember, he won't retaliate. You walk behind him, wait a bit, then back stab or fireball him. Of course, he will "catch" you, but he won't really do anything except to warn you verbally and turn around again. You just keep doing it until he dies. And presto, a...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Hm..., PS2 you say? How about Shadow Hearts series? The 3rd one was weak, but the first 2 was great. It's very dark and gothic. Ar Tonelico series was also interesting but only if you like anime. Suikoden 3, 4, and 5 are on PS2. Romancing Saga was quite interesting and unique...
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    I'd like some opinions on Morrowind

    I had fun playing MW+ expansions. The only problem I had was that I had more than 300+ mods on it and my warp stopped working. There were some great companion mods that came with their own bg stories, houses and quests. In fact, most of the mods were so much fun to play with that I ignored...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Hurray for nonexistent finger dexterity!
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    Stanley Cup

    LOL, the riot commentary was pretty funny given the political climate. Of course, most of the rioters are drunken morons or those who lost big in the betting. I am sure there are quite a few that took advantage of the situation to loot and go nuts. The worst part about it is that...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I just finished phase 1 of Ar Tonelico 3. Another one with the crappy switch to 3d/real time combat. And, unlike Ar Tonelico 1, both girls bore me (at least their character design does). Music and animation isn't up to par compared to the rest of the series despite an upgrade of platform...
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    Lionhead: Pre-owned worse than PC piracy

    lol, all I can see for this anti second hand movement is a farther push for piracy by many consumers. The used game market is already similar to some kind of rare dojinshi market. Most of the games I am looking for are no longer distributed, so where the hell am I suppose to find them? My...
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    Fighting Games

    lol, a Blazblue fan? That's unusual for a western guy. Hm..., I haven't played fighting games since the arcades were still kicking around. The only thing I have at home is VF and some oddball anime fighter that my bro took the disk of. One really feels the march of time after a certain...
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    Recommend me a game.

    SMAC and ROTK comes to mind. Since SMAC needs no introduction, here's something on ROTK: It's not for people without patience. It's tough to keep people happy and you will struggle to make all the cities...
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    Witcher 2

    But isn't that only for pre-ordered versions? From the wording, it seems that it's used to prevent people from leaking it before world wide release? Would that still be required after a certain date? Maybe I can wait for the gold version again, without any drm at all.
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    Crimson Room; See if you can get out!

    Holy necromancy, batman!
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    Zombification Sterilization It feels like a turn based Resident Evil.
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    Election time in Canada, yay... Something fun for Canadians to do. I am not a supporter for the Green party, since quite of few of them lean too far into the environmental extremism like those in green peace, alp or peta. I just thought that Mae had a nice...
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    Zombification Sterilization

    Meh, 400k pts, pretty crappy. I guess I took too long to rebuild.
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    Gamers heart Japan

    A 1 hour gaming special from a Canadian gaming show that tries to help generate donation for the Japan earthquake/tsunami. What's amazing is that a lot of big shots are interviewed. A lot of big names I've heard over the years are on camera. It's pretty special to see all these guys in...
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    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    What the Dog Saw Mother Tongue The man who loved China I just finished the first one, and half way through the other 2...
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    8.9 Earthquake in Japan Gerry Curtis on the Japanese responses and the American media.