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    Witcher 2

    LOL, Ironman mode! But you can buy your way out! :lol: Well, I can all the little kiddies swarming over that. I got to say, it's a great money maker. :P
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    Eric Caen - FO:MMOG for 2012 release I have the magazine that shows the interview, but an online transcript is still not available on their website.
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    EU III: Divine Wind

    LOL, yes I know, I was joking. :P A divine wind, originally used to describe a typhoon or 2 that sunk the Mongolian fleet in the invasion of Japan in the 1270-80s. Actually, the full name of the unit was called Divine Wind Special Attack Force/Unit. Of course, the Kanji characters can...
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    CCP snubbed by the Nobel committee
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    EU III: Divine Wind

    Kamikaze? So do you strap bombs on airplanes and ram battleships?
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    New Vegas is way too complex

    It's a funny read. I really wished he would put his intellectual focus on something else though, because then he might make himself useful and happier. In all seriousness though, I managed to finish FO1 with my second build (I tried the "set builds" first, amusing but not useful :P ) , and...
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    Weird/Stupid fears on gaming?

    Daniella from Demento/Haunting Ground is probably one of the creepiest psycho stalker/killer in a game. Her laugh is infamous for haunting a lot of people's dreams. Siren was also a headache inducing creepy, but probably much too complicated for larger audience. Of course, I still...
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    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    I am somewhat ambivalent towards Assange and his personal actions, but I feel that wikileaks might be providing that voice that a lot of cogs in the machine wants to speak but can not do so. I am also somewhat curious as to his thought process. I know the stereotype of the hacker/computer...
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    CCP snubbed by the Nobel committee

    Anyway, if you can't beat them, create your own. Oh, the irony. And I wonder if any of these Chinese...
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    [New York Times, 8 minutes ago] WAR!

    lol, wow, one person actually got it right, well, at least similar to how I view the situation. This is a show for Kim Jr. and it was probably orchestrated by Kim Sr. in one way shape of form. This was done to prop up prince Jr. image and reconsolidate the power behind the third prince's...
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    Naming quests in RPGs

    lol, sorry, I just had to comment on rcorporon's comments. An exploration game that discourages exploration? :lol:
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Hm.., considering it's my second favourite Miyazaki film, 8/10. 1. Porco Rosso 2. Valley of the Wind with, Totoro, Kamikakushi (Spirited Away), Mononoke-hime as possible third spots.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Hm..., a Miyazaki avatar? Or did you just pick something randomly Reconite? As for the bronze statue looking thing..., for some reason, it reminds me of mythbusters... 4/10
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    Microsoft is ripping people off with the Kinect

    That's the standard operating model these days. It's the same in the medical equipment business, since it's mostly a "subscription" service now. Hospitals gets machines for free while they are charged a higher percentage per test kits. Personally, I think such operating models lead to...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Demon Hunter - well, it seems to be a combo of assassins and amazons. The weapon progression seems to be right, iirc, repeating crossbows and grenades were invented in China after the long or composite bows. I am, however, interested in a statement from wiki, it says that D2 classes might...
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    CCP snubbed by the Nobel committee

    lol, come live in Beijing for a while, then tell me how it feels. Give me a break, politics is the last thing I care about, but if you want to stay, you got to play. Just for the freaking record, I am Canadian, if that makes a freaking difference. Are you going to be another...
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    CCP snubbed by the Nobel committee

    Rofl..., I don't know how to explain this properly, but, if you really think that way, more power to you. :lol: You can take a quick look at this for someone who tried that: As for how Chinese people see/feel about Japanese people...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I got bored with Demon's souls, since I have no clue what the hobbob is about. I am trying to finish some old games, Phantasy Star IV, Shining Force II, and I'll probably get on with Valkria Chronicles, Ar Tonelico 1, and Shin Megami Tensei. I am debating about Civ 5. Witcher had a...
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    CCP snubbed by the Nobel committee

    Official reaction is in, fresh from wiki: I am, of course, laughing my arses off, because, if you understand Chinese culture at all, you would know that this is a huge slap in the face for those that manoeuvred him into jail for their own political purposes. There are some rumours that...
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    CCP snubbed by the Nobel committee Well, this is going to be a crappy day for the Chinese head of the propaganda department. They were doing well, inciting furor in the populace over the...