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  1. S

    Just "WoW" ... Firefighters let home burn

    You know, some of those commentators (from the video below) are welcome to move to China. Most things in China is a subscription service, the rich get service, and the poor gets DIY service, unless of course, you are/work for the CCP. People bash each other's heads in to get their social...
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    Safety demonstration done Right!

    You know, if you fly a lot, do you still look at safety demonstrations provided by the cabin crew any more? But isn't it important information that you need in order to save your life? Therefore, to alleviate bordem and get people to pay attention, some airlines have invented new ways to deal...
  3. S

    A brand new use for bras So, in case of emergency, do authorities have the right to commandeer these bras for public use? :lol: Of course, if you really want it to be useful, wouldn't it be better to actually insert some kind...
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    barkeep, give me a pint of zero gravity beer? So..., who here thinks it will probably taste like crap/space food? :P Of course, I can understand why they wouldn't allow it on the ISS, since a drunk driver is already bad enough.., but a drunk space pilot...
  5. S

    Childhood / teenage celebrity crushes

    lol, I posted in the wrong thread earlier. I guess one shouldn't post when one is drowsy. Anyway, I really didn't have anyone in mind when I first think of it, but if I had to choose 1 or 2, it would probably be Maggie Cheung, and Brigette Lin. I seriously doubt anyone can recognize...
  6. S

    Weird/Stupid fears on gaming?

    Great thread. D on Saturn gave my friend nightmares for months, but it didn't bother me for some reason (I suppose that it didn't help the rich sap since he played it at 2 am with full surround sound in his basement alone). Lunacy was also the same way. Clock Tower on PS 1 was pretty...
  7. S does dumb stunt

    lol, reading all this drama reminds me of an old saying,"the best con is the one that you were never told the truth to." I think they might do a roaring business if they really shut it down, keep a few servers to serve old customers, and start another site in a few months. They can call it...
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    Input Devices: The Thread

    I got the Logitech Max Revo, and I enjoy it. I had a good experience with the old Max 500 ( I think that was the model name), so I got this one. Anyone ever tried the Max Air or one of the trackball mouse? I've been thinking about getting something that's easier on my wrist. I would...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It's not bad, but it could use some contrast. 6/10 What's with the sudden fascination for Jin-Roh and Blood + here?
  10. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Demon's souls, a bad mash up of diablo, neverwinter nights 2, and onimusha. Jumping puzzles/platform game play with havok is not my idea of fun. :roll: Bad collusion, bad physics and quite commonly, bad camera angles, got stuck in a polygon blackhole and couldn't get out, had to restart a...
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    Rags to riches, riches to rags

    lol, no offence, but please let alec explain what alec thinks. :P And what you describes just mentions most of the TBS or RTS games, where you got limited resources, limited time, and diminishing returns on your investments the farther you go. Galactic Civilizations 2 were like that...
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    Ultramarines - WH40K Movie

    lol, it looks interesting to say the least, but when I was playing Soulstorm, the most hilarious thing was to listen to Battle Sisters when you play their campaign.
  13. S

    Rags to riches, riches to rags

    lol, both of the Dot Hack series were like that, but you didn't enjoy the uberness for too long though, you went from riches to rags in about 10 mins. :P In dot.hack 1(first series), your best friend is a max lvl uber character that was going to powerlvl you, and it was kinda fun while it...
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Got a handgun question or 2 for all the firearm experts here: 1. Is there any truth to what some people have said about old CZ75s, that they are better than current production CZ75s because they used better and more expensive steel back then so it had more reliability and accuracy? 2. Is...
  15. S

    Age of Empires...goes online?

    Hm..., is it just me or does the graphics looks a bit like the old Warcraft 1 or 2 games? As for this style of MMO game play, it has been attempted before, and I've played it. The game I played was free though, and it got pretty addicting if you got friends with you. The way that game...
  16. S

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Is that a paper boat? Reminds me of Mythbusters, 7/10. As for whether Jin-Roh is wasteland-ish or not, I wouldn't make that distinction unless you watch the show. :wink:
  17. S

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    Stiff, and Spook, both by Mary roach. Tokyo Vice by Jack Adelstein. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. The Science of Superstition by Bruce M. Hood.
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    You think you have a bad commute?

    rofl, alec, this is China we are talking about, you are requiring CCP people to make sense? Something stupid just happened a few years ago: Beijing's public transit decided to purchase some low emission and air conditioned buses with sealed windows and roofs, since Beijing has desert...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It looks like a pic from Jin-Roh. If it is, 8/10.
  20. S

    Rumble in Manila

    Or how the police screwed up big time.