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  1. Trithne

    Super Mutants... Eat... People?

    Of course Super Mutants eat people. I mean, from what I could tell, RAIDERS ATE PEOPLE. Or at least used them as decoration. Indeed, separates artists from craftsmen.
  2. Trithne

    Broken Steel is broken

    What the hell? All stats below 5 become 5? I need to drink some bleach.
  3. Trithne

    Broken Steel Trailer

    Watched the trailer. Am pondering suicide. It really feels like an FPS in every way. It's like a trailer for Halo or something.
  4. Trithne

    Bethesda does not comment on Point Look

    They haven't used all their gamerpoint or acheivement allowance, therefore they have room to expand the game? Easy to see where the priorities lie there.
  5. Trithne

    Forging the Steel

    Pity beth's RPGs are entirely about your enemies. It'd be more interesting to hear about developments in the plot or... Ah hell, no it wouldn't be. Bethsoft expansion packs: LOOK! NEW AND BIGGER ENEMIES. It's not what the enemies are that's the problem, it's the fact that's the entire...
  6. Trithne

    What we'd like to see in New Vegas?

    A Free-floating camera. As the default setting. Click-to-move controls, because I'm lazy and would rather avoid having to wsad around. By extension, click to attack controls. And VATS that isn't a magic win button. VATS shouldn't have the damage reduction or anything, it's just a pause function...
  7. Trithne

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel Screenshots and Previews

    Mutants still look pretty orc-like to me. And yep, I'm just seeing more lasers, more shooting, more MISSING THE DAMN POINT.
  8. Trithne

    Zippy's Thread

    So all games in 2010 must be action-packed, in-your-face FPS games? I'll get right on telling every other genre to catch the boat. Also, Diablo 3 would like a word with you about perspective. There is no reason, absolutely none that a modern game cannot be played from an isometric viewpoint, or...
  9. Trithne

    Zippy's Thread

    That's just picking nits. Or really, a terrible argument. You're grasping at anything you can possibly use to discredit us. The Xbox probably has the highest piracy rate of all the big three consoles, given it has the highest similarity to a PC in architecture.
  10. Trithne

    Zippy's Thread

    zippy, why are you doing this? You joined pretty much as New Vegas was announced, and all you've done is carry on your self-appointed crusade to tell us we're all wrong about everything to happen to Fallout since FO2, in an incredibly trollish manner. You come here like you're bearing the torch...
  11. Trithne

    Zippy's Thread

    Please stop double-posting. We're having this debate in too many threads. Go to the other one to see why a game can be made to fill a niche and not just to sell copies.
  12. Trithne

    Zippy's Thread

    So in short, you believe a good game is one that sells well. That's a fine capitalist viewpoint, and one you're free to have. But that doesn't mean that people can't, and won't, make games for a different reason. You only have to look at the indie game scene. It's generally characterised by...
  13. Trithne

    Zippy's Thread

    Why are we having this argument again?! Civ4 is still selling copies, is something like 14th on the charts currently. The entire claim that an isometric, text-dialog game wouldn't sell is disingenious. Of course it would. NMA and countless other sites prove that fact, as do the isometric...
  14. Trithne

    J.E. Sawyer lead on Fallout: New Vegas

    Pretty sure wiki'ing 'steam' would get you water vapour. console games get pirated plenty too. And there's no denying that games designed for a console are universally not as deep as games intended solely for a PC audience. But let's not go there. it doesn't have to play like FO3. It could...
  15. Trithne

    A new Fallout game... by Obsidian?

    JES can at least leave us confident of some damn good writing, even if it has to play exactly like FO3. But what I really hope for is a floating 3d camera and pause, etc. It's not TB-iso, but it's the next best thing, and has proven to still be viable in today's market of sell crap to everyone...
  16. Trithne

    Vault-Tec experiments dumbest plot line ever

    It's been a while, but I thought they were going to Mars? I mean, it's the 23rd century or so by that time, the Enclave probably has the technology to at least build a bubblecity up there. So the Vault Experiment serves as a way to analyze human behaviour in a confined, controlled environment...
  17. Trithne

    Fallout 3 Speed Run

    Fallout 2 speedrun's not too difficult. It takes a little under half an hour. Check that site for it.
  18. Trithne

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    Make a first-person RPG that properly separates player skill from character skill and I'll agree with you. Until then, FP PoV does prevent RPG.
  19. Trithne

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #91

    You're in the home stretch now per!
  20. Trithne

    Questions about FEV in Fallout 3

    Sex?! In an Xbox game?! Heaven forbid.