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  1. G

    50 Minutes of 76

    So they retconned the Brotherhood to be on the East Coast at the same time as the West Coast branch? Why am I not surprised lol. Also, what's this about them being preppers now? Seriously? "If there is an enclave uniform and air drops titled ‘government ration’ I think that’s pretty solid info...
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    Fallout 76 Prediction Game that construction power armor? The yellow/black color scheme gives looks like something you'd see on a construction site.
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    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    I see the Greenbriar Hotel...a location in West Virgina that doubles a safe place for the government to continue on in case of a disaster. As for the T-60, it's fine if you head canon it to an improved, post war Brotherhood upgrade for their aging T-45's but it as a pre-war model made weeks...
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    Fallout 76 announced!

    So, an online focused Rust clone with story and quests? My excitement is a nice 1 outta 10. Also developed by Bethsoft Austin. Gonna have to see more, but I'm utterly uninterested.
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    E3 Fallout News Thread

    I know Fallout 4 mentions Chicago a few times, i.e Enclave bases and the like, but it could be anywhere honestly.
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    E3 Fallout News Thread

    Interesting I suppose. It's probably some sort of remake, but keep in mind that Bethsoft does have a MOntreal studio that was worked on port but was set up to increase big AAA, so I'm thinking spin off.
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    Fallout 5 Predictions Thread (with EXPLOSIONS!)

    Oh, I know what Fallout 5 will be like. -Set in New York or somewhere close by -Takes place after FO4. Gotta move that time line forward AND with little sense of civilization returning. -T-80 Power Armor. Gotta have a new PA model. It will probably be yet another "last PA upgrade put into...
  8. G

    Would people be interested in contributing to NMA's Fallout 4 and DLC review?

    The only thing I can really contribute is a quick summery of FO4 based on my playthroughs of the base game. More of the same. This term best describes FO4. Weather it's the near copy and paste story of saving a family member or once again running into the Brotherhood. Let's also not forget the...
  9. G

    Is Fallout: New Vegas a worthy Fallout game?

    Yes, indeed it is a worthy FO game. Far better than FO3 and light years a head of FO4. It's the best we're gonna get when it comes to a proper FO game these days. I really enjoyed my time with New Vegas and hope Obsidian will get another shot at the series, but that seems doubtful at this point...
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    PS4 mod support update

    Speaking as a PS4 player, good. I haven't touched FO4 in months and when I want to play it with mods I can play the drum roll please...PC version. Oh and surprise this sounds more and more like Bethesda's fault. It's a good thing they are held to the same level of scrutiny that other devs...
  11. G

    Would people be interested in contributing to NMA's Fallout 4 and DLC review?

    The only thing I could add is probably near universal criticism. Fallout 4 is the usual mountain of utterly wasted potential that is sadly held back by Bethesda's piss poor writing, story telling and bland fun house game design.
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    Nuka Rant

    Honestly Boo, I think FO5 is indeed in the very early stages. I know earlier this years Bethsoft opened up a Montreal Studio. It would let them work on both ES and FO and not having to outsource it to Obsidian...sadly.
  13. G

    Nuka World: No Review Possible

    I've been gone for a bit mainly cause of work, but it's good to see Nuka World was the train wreck I knew it would be. Also, why the hell are the Huboligists in this DLC? Wat dafuq?
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    Things That Serve No Point

    Oh man, where to start? lol Gunners aka Talon Mercs. 2.0 and just as worthless. They have the slightest of back stories but at the end of the day, their just raiders with better gear. The Forged. Man this game loves giving generic raiders a new name and acting like they're a totally new...
  15. G

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Soooo, Point Lookout 2.0 eh? While I thought Point Lookout was ok-ish, this might be ok-ish as well. Also, a diving suit? The Aqua Boy perk already renders that moot lol. I dunno, I'll give it a shot once the "Game of the year edition" comes around, but thus far it doesn't look to be anything...
  16. G

    Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop Official Trailer

    So stuff that the PC guys had for years with New Vegas. With stuff like under sea ruins in the game, this is what they come up with? Fuckin a Bethsoft.
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    Anyone else think this whole 'Synth' thing has gone too far?

    The Institute could have interesting, but like so many things in Fallout 4, it suffers from seriously bad writing. I mean, them having FEV and making another batch of rock stupid Super Mutants was bad enough. Emil and their writing staff just don't have the chops for writing.
  18. G

    Fallout 3 could possibly be getting an HD remake

    Yeah, like Millim said, I'd have zero interest in this sorta thing. I played and platinumed FO3, I have zero desire to play through it again but I wouldn't put it past Bethsoft to do it though.
  19. G

    Deacon FO4 voice actor leaks existence of FO5 pre-production

    I'm with ya on that Practicat. I want another Obisidan FO, but knowing Bethsoft, if they can keep it on as tight a lease as possible, they will. If said new FO game is being developed at the Montreal studio, it's a sure bet it will be as close to FO4 as it can be.
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    Deacon FO4 voice actor leaks existence of FO5 pre-production

    That's pretty interesting, but I kinda get a feeling it's not gonna happen. I just have a feeling that if any new Fo game comes out soonish, it will be by the Montreal studio. Less chance of being shown up by a superior dev lol