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  1. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I'll see what can be done for this, but it won't be in the next version.
  2. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility Fallout - Proto Manager [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download. Edit: undeleted.
  3. Mr.Stalin

    help with HOOK_TOHIT?

    In any script, a hook can be registered, depending on the task set, the only rule in contrast to the global script (which is constantly in memory) it is not necessary to register and unregister the hook whenever you enter the map and leave it, because the scripts bound to the map object are...
  4. Mr.Stalin

    help with HOOK_TOHIT?

    The hook can be registered in the critter script, the hook must be used correctly, not as you did. will also need the hook unregistration when exiting the map.
  5. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Inventory Filter [Deleted]

    Try enabling, and immediately save your game.
  6. Mr.Stalin

    help with HOOK_TOHIT?

    You can't make them, the game makes them) The hook is triggered when you move the cursor of the sight to the critter, there you will get a pointer to this NPC target := get_sfall_arg,
  7. Mr.Stalin

    help with HOOK_TOHIT?

    procedure combat_p_proc begin call tohit_hook_handler; end you can't do that.
  8. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Muttie You need to use the sfall hooks in order to avoid problems with "USE".
  9. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility Fallout DAT Explorer II [Deleted]

    1.43 Dat - c++ Dat Expl II - c# (it will be slower)
  10. Mr.Stalin

    Improved Scripting Tools (SSL+ and Script Editor)

    map_update_p_proc - updated every 30000ms (30-sec, for the game it is 300 ticks). If you opened-closed the pip-boy when 15 seconds have passed, then map_update_p_proc will still be updated after 15 seconds again. 30000ms does not mean that it will necessarily update at this value, it can be 30100ms.
  11. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall speed hack

    Send it by mail in an envelope to the Biden administration, I will accept))
  12. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    The reason is not HI-RES, but the fact that you use shaders in your mod, which significantly reduce FPS on weak video cards at high resolution.
  13. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    I will say one thing, that there is still something to work on the maps, some maps are not 100% finished. City maps have too many extra decorations (let's name them junk) that you need to carefully get rid of this will relieve the perception of the location.
  14. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    you can send me only dialogs and everything related to scripts (ssl sources, .h files), and preferably the entire <game>/data/data/*.* folder.
  15. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall speed hack

    I can definitely say that the mod scripts were not written correctly, so you get glitches. you may not know, but sfall speed patch increases the speed of time, and all animations are accelerated from this.
  16. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    You must upload all the files that are in the network, otherwise it will lie for an indefinite number of years, or send me in private (if you do not want to put it in public access for everyone) so that I can take a look at your big creation in what state are the current scripts and dialogs...
  17. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall speed hack

  18. Mr.Stalin

    Improved Scripting Tools (SSL+ and Script Editor)

    thank you for the feedback. Yes, there are many problems that I can not overcome, there are more and more new ones. I also recently found this problem with the index.
  19. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    in sfall, something is added that cannot be done by a script, i.e. new functionality is added to sfall so that the engine can support your idea. if your mod can work from a script, then there is no need to put it in sfall. it's already full of shit. :) provide your script and it will be included...