If he had written it in English, I would not have understood what he specifically wanted to say to me, and I would have had to ask him again in Russian anyway)))
if (game_loaded) then begin
else begin
if (stop_hook) return;
orig_owner := get_sfall_arg;
the_item := get_sfall_arg;
num_removed_objects := get_sfall_arg;
//reason_removed := get_sfall_arg;
//dest_obj :=...
during deletion, you should not process the nested hook.
something like
stop_hook = true;
stop_hook = false;
read about recursive methods in programming.
I don't really understand how you want to make items weighing less than one. adding special invisible items is a bad idea and not viable for the engine. the only scripted option is to subtract values from the player's maximum weight, and this is also a slightly bad implementation.
Look somewhere on the Internet for notepad++ there should be syntax highlighting for fallout functions.
I have it, but it is already outdated, many functions are missing.
SFALL opcodes with descriptions in SSE4.0
int get_attack_type - Returns the set attack type for the current weapon in the main interface slot.
(descriptions are only in Russian language.)
a long time ago, but in a slightly different form.
without the code, you still won't be able to create a dialog, this only helps with orienting in the dialog tree.