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  1. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    this is not normal :) in script A export variable myVarName in script B import variable myVarName
  2. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    If he had written it in English, I would not have understood what he specifically wanted to say to me, and I would have had to ask him again in Russian anyway)))
  3. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    critters do not use AP when accessing any items from their inventory, they spend their points only for reload/use the item.
  4. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    У меня другие планы. Тем более это не русифицированный контент.
  5. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    destroy_object - it is wrong to immediately destroy an item in the inventory, right from the beginning you need to "remove" then you can destroy it.
  6. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    It is useless to use it on the Restoration Project. noobsmoders did not use it there, and left a lot of problems in the game.
  7. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    variable stop_hook; the variable must be taken out the start procedure, i.e. make variable statistical.
  8. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    if (game_loaded) then begin register_hook(HOOK_REMOVEINVENOBJ); end else begin if (stop_hook) return; orig_owner := get_sfall_arg; the_item := get_sfall_arg; num_removed_objects := get_sfall_arg; //reason_removed := get_sfall_arg; //dest_obj :=...
  9. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    move_to does not move items from/to inventory.
  10. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    during deletion, you should not process the nested hook. something like stop_hook = true; rm_mult_objs_from_inven stop_hook = false; read about recursive methods in programming.
  11. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    enable debugging messages to see your errors. now you are like a blind mole do not know anything that surrounds you.
  12. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    your error in rm_mult_objs_from_inven when deleting objects, a nested hook run always occurs.
  13. Mr.Stalin

    Item weight and inventory stats - Wants to make item weigh less than 1 lbs.

    I don't really understand how you want to make items weighing less than one. adding special invisible items is a bad idea and not viable for the engine. the only scripted option is to subtract values from the player's maximum weight, and this is also a slightly bad implementation.
  14. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall script editor - dialog functions config?

    Look somewhere on the Internet for notepad++ there should be syntax highlighting for fallout functions. I have it, but it is already outdated, many functions are missing.
  15. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    SFALL opcodes with descriptions in SSE4.0 int get_attack_type - Returns the set attack type for the current weapon in the main interface slot. (descriptions are only in Russian language.)
  16. Mr.Stalin

    Various modding questions

    This is only available in SubCombatDamage and it still doesn't work as the set/get functions are broken in the current version of sfall
  17. Mr.Stalin

    F2 Proto Manager - adding frm file.

    This means that proto files have a corrupted file structure. In this case, these two pro-files belong to the Fallout 1 format.
  18. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall script editor - dialog functions config?

    a long time ago, but in a slightly different form. without the code, you still won't be able to create a dialog, this only helps with orienting in the dialog tree.
  19. Mr.Stalin

    Fallout 2 utility sfall script editor - dialog functions config?

    most likely notepad++ or similar, because there are no other such editors for F2 scripting.