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  1. S

    Show us where your avatar is taken from

    Self-explanatory :P .
  2. S

    Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

    Better start stocking up for the impending invasion :shock: . I wonder if that Gordon Freeman guy has played Half-Life 1/2 8-) .
  3. S

    Large Hadron Collider and the Potential for Cataclysm

    Actually, the two main concerns for the LHC are microscopic black holes and strangelets. Micro black holes will decay into nothing almost as soon as they are created, so they won't have a chance to grow. Strangelets are a hypothetical form of matter, but some scientists believe that, if one was...
  4. S

    Fallout 3: Are you getting it?

    I might buy it, not sure yet. If I do, I'll get the collectors edition, so if it's horrible, at least I still get a Vault-Tec lunchbox and bobblehead. I like FPS in general, and Fallout 3 might be a good one, but it definitely won't be a good Fallout game :( .
  5. S

    Best part of fallout 1 & 2?

    (First post, BTW. Been lurking for awhile now and finally got around to joining :wink: ) In Fallout, definitely the Glow: all the radiation messages, the overall eerie feel, and finding out about FEV for the first time 8-) . I also really liked the Vats, and finding out I could become a Super...