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  1. R

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Oh man, I love that album, and King Park is probably my favourite song from it. 10/10
  2. R

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    9/10. It's Led Zeppelin.
  3. R

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    7/10 - an interesting cover of some of the only pop music I can stand
  4. R

    Games You're Looking Forward To

    I'm looking forward to Metro: Last Light. I have never played the first one, but they both look interesting.
  5. R

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    I didn't like New Vegas when I first started playing it. It seemed really boring to me. However, once you get deeper into the game, it becomes fantastic. I've probably put at least 120 hours into the game, and I haven't even seen half of the content it offers. Be warned though, the DLC's can be...
  6. R

    Who else really enjoyed the bullet crafting?

    That bugs me as well. Worse is CoD with its silencing of .50 BMG rounds. What the fuck? (Although I think you can do that in New Vegas as well, as I never really used weapon mods)
  7. R

    Bethesda going to be as mindful as Obsidian with Fallout 4?

    The line is nowhere near as awesome as "Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" though.
  8. R

    What will be the canon ending of New Vegas?

    I just hope that the NCR ending isn't canon.
  9. R

    Who else really enjoyed the bullet crafting?

    The controller is indeed accurate enough for real time sniping.
  10. R

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I must have been the only one to find Skyrim's menu system easy to navigate.
  11. R

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Mr. Bungle kicks ass. I mean, why listen to one genre when you can listen to all of them at the same time?
  12. R

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    No, not at all. How ridiculous.
  13. R

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    The Fallout games can be finished on level 1 or 2 as well.
  14. R

    if you made an faction

    Exactly like the BoS, but with provisions in place to prevent the asshattery that got them into trouble with the NCR.
  15. R

    Fallout Mysteries Investigating

    What's scary about it? I can't check, console player here.
  16. R

    The type of game you always wanted to play

    Senseless rape worse than senseless murder? Alright then...
  17. R

    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...

    If I had any money I would buy that in a heartbeat...
  18. R

    Will Fallout the game become Fallout the reality?

    I also don't know why anybody would think all of Europe would unite.
  19. R

    Will Fallout the game become Fallout the reality?

    Where are you getting those numbers from? The US has 11 aircraft carriers, Europe combined has 7. There's no way the USA could take on all of Europe combined. It'd be hard enough to take on Russia alone.
  20. R

    Spin Offs that would be cool

    Something like Europa Universalis. Or maybe an RTS. Somebody could probably mod Starcraft and change the Terran, Zerg, and Protoss, to the NCR, Legion, and BoS. I personally think that an FPS would be pretty cool, but I feel that a lot of people here might be against that. One where you're a...