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  1. R

    What would be your last words?

    Hmmmm... I don't really see what education has to do with knowing that guys don't get pregnant...
  2. R

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Ehh it's a little funny I guess, but it's not as good as some of the other remixes out there. 5/10
  3. R

    Gun control thread #4387

    Yeah, I hate the people with that attitude of "fuck the police, they're all pigs", but I also hate the people who defend police officers that shoot unarmed people much, much, much more. I can see why people would have the attitude of "fuck the police", because the dickheads that shoot first, ask...
  4. R

    Mothership Zeta - the Movie (or Cowboys & Aliens)

    I actually thought that it was pretty decent, much better than how I thought it was going to be.
  5. R

    I feel like a idiot....

    I love the irony present in this thread's title.
  6. R

    So your trekking across the Mojave....

    Cleaning cuts, suuuure :D
  7. R

    what to do now that i have beat fallout new vegas on 360

    Alright then. Maybe you do like to put points into speech but don't for some reason. Or, you get high speech, but you don't use it.
  8. R

    what to do now that i have beat fallout new vegas on 360

    Obviously, you don't like to put points in Speech. It's entirely possible to go through New Vegas without killing a single thing. Although, it is impossible in Fallout 3.
  9. R

    Gabban The Legionary

    I went to the Mojave Outpost (on my first playthrough, didn't go there until about 10-15 hours into the game on my second). On my first playthrough I didn't like the game too much at first so I was trying to go through it quickly.
  10. R

    Gabban The Legionary

    I didn't stop by Nipton in my first two playthroughs. In my first playthrough, I killed Oliver Swanick, but I didn't enter Nipton. In my second playthrough, I went straight to Novac from Goodsprings.
  11. R

    Fav weapon...why?

    Why would you assume New Vegas when they were obviously talking about Fallout 1 and 2? Not to mention that these messages were posted in... 2000...
  12. R

    I'd support Ceasars Legion except [Insert answer here]

    No, I don't think that the NCR would be stubborn enough not to do it. The problem lies with Jeremy Maxson, the extremist leader of the BoS. If he died, a more sensible person might take over.
  13. R

    The Fate of the Deep South?

    This. The South has way less hillbillies than people think. Some people also have the notion that people are really racist down here, which isn't really the case (in a lot of places). I mean, the city I live in has about 30% black people, and it gets up to 80% in the northern part of town. (And...
  14. R

    If you were going to be put on an island....

    Christine from F:NV, because she can't talk.
  15. R

    what to do now that i have beat fallout new vegas on 360

    He could roleplay as a member of the Westboro Baptist Church and constantly harass Arcade and Veronica. He could do a Buddhist playthrough as well. Carry nothing in your inventory (other than food and a set of clothes) and don't kill anything. Preferably, combine that with Very Hard Hardcore...
  16. R

    I'd support Ceasars Legion except [Insert answer here]

    I guess it would be more accurate if I said that I thought the NCR were going to lose the second battle. I don't know though, maybe that's just the hope talking. I just think that a Legion ending would be interesting (if the Legion was fleshed out more as a faction), because the NCR is also...
  17. R

    I'd support Ceasars Legion except [Insert answer here]

    Wow, I wasn't even thinking of that. That's true though. I was just thinking about how in the game the NCR is depicted as falling apart. Like how when you do Still in the Dark, the BoS scouts remark about how the NCR can't even take back their prison from escaped convicts, and how the Legion...
  18. R

    Bethesda suing Notch

    I'm confused... are you trying to defend Bethesda? EDIT: Nevermind. I understand now.