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  1. R

    DLC Play order.

    How in the hell did you beat the final boss? Since stimpacks don't heal instantly...
  2. R

    DLC Play order.

    My first time around I played them in order of release. This time, I went with Honest Hearts first (because it's by far the easiest). I'm going to do Dead Money next, once I get my skills a bit higher. (Level 22 at the moment). I'll do Old World Blues last, because I'm going to need a...
  3. R

    The Fate of the Deep South?

    Cazadores aren't a problem once you get a weapon with a respectable DPS. I cleared out Silver Peak Mine without even taking any damage with the Light Machine Gun. Deathclaws? Doesn't matter what weapon you have. They're gonna be a problem.
  4. R

    How did you end OWB?

    He did it for the lulz? Well... I actually don't mind it as much now. The lulz is a noble cause.
  5. R

    The Fate of the Deep South?

    I would hope they would. I like deathclaws, but it'd be nice to see some other kind of mega-beast.
  6. R

    How did you end OWB?

    Maybe so, but they shouldn't have created the damn things in the first place. "Hey, what would happen if we made the creature with one of the most painful stings on earth 100 times larger?" Ahh. I could have passed all of those checks except for the Medicine one. I didn't do any of their...
  7. R

    How did you end OWB?

    I did it because they cut out my spine, my heart, and my brain for pretty much no reason. They're jerks. [spoiler:5f121996a6]Plus one of those guys made Cazadores. Then he had the audacity to say they didn't exist outside of the Big Empty.[/spoiler:5f121996a6] What did you have to do in order...
  8. R

    How did you end OWB?

    Got my brain back, massacred the Think Tank, and spared Mobius.
  9. R

    Old World Blues

    I personally thought the Sink never restocking was intentional. I mean, how would the Sink get more stuff to sell?
  10. R

    The Fate of the Deep South?

    I would imagine mutated alligators would be extremely dangerous. They already have natural armour, so they're already naturally tough. I'm also pretty sure American Alligators have one of the strongest bite forces around. Mutate that, and you have a creature to rival Deathclaws. Okay, maybe not...
  11. R

    Replaying Honest Hearts

    I probably should have bought a laptop more suited toward gaming when I was buying mine, because I try to play New Vegas on the lowest setting, but it lags a lot. However, I didn't think of it, because when I was buying my laptop I pretty much only played Call of Duty. Oh well. Maybe when the...
  12. R

    Replaying Honest Hearts

    Yeah, it's alright. I wish they would give console gamers a sandbox mode or something, something like the G.E.C.K. for the console. The only reason I play on Very Easy is because the amount of shots it takes to kill people bugs me. I wish I could lower both my health and the enemies health. Not...
  13. R

    Replaying Honest Hearts

    Too expensive. My laptop already costed about 700$. I'm not about to go buy a new one just to play games, at least, not until I've had this one a few years and/or I win the lottery. However, I'm too lazy to constantly make the 3 hour drive to Tennessee to buy lottery tickets, so I think the...
  14. R

    How many hours of FNv have you clocked?

    Probably about 100 hours. I'm on my 5th playthrough so far. (Although on one of my characters I completed the game in 25 hours, but I went back and played 15 more hours with him after I got all of the DLC. Waiting until Lonesome Road comes out to complete the playthrough with him for good.)...
  15. R

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    You really should complete a new playthrough. One of the main things I like about New Vegas is its replayability. Probably has the some of the best replay value of any single-player game with a story (not anything like Europa Universalis) that I've ever played, due to all of the different...
  16. R

    Replaying Honest Hearts

    Some people's PCs can't run New Vegas...
  17. R

    Completed everything, what do I do now?

    Do playthroughs with different goals. Do a melee playthrough, a playthrough with every faction, evil playthroughs, good playthroughs, playthroughs where you kill everything you see, a playthrough where you don't kill anything at all etc etc How many hours have you played the game?
  18. R

    OWB and the BoS

    Sorry, wasn't trying to say anything in poor taste. It was just the first example to come to mind. My point still stands though, even if the BoS is isolationist. Although I want to make it clear that I don't support the way that they act now. I make an exception for the Mojave BoS though...
  19. R

    OWB and the BoS

    I agree that the extremist BoS is 'obsolete'. I just hope that if they're in Fallout 4, they won't be extremist dickheads, but I also hope they won't be like they were in Fallout 3. Maybe Jeremy Maxson will die, and somebody more sensible will take over the BoS. (If Jeremy Maxson being leader is...
  20. R

    Replaying Honest Hearts

    Yeah, I get pretty claustrophobic when I play Dead Money. I'm kind of scared to play it a second time, because I don't want to be trapped there again, but I'm thinking that I might like it better the second time, since most of the frustration I encountered the first time came from not knowing...