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  1. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    In 'hudtemplates.xml' under '<template name="template_reticle_center">' Change the height and width.
  2. N

    Child Killing

    Should be called Puppet physics
  3. N

    I'd like to see a helmet mod....

    I think this would be very good. Especially the idea about people not knowing who you are. There was something sort of similar for Oblivion, it may have been a mod. But as a vampire, you could wear certain large helmets and people would no longer be able to tell you were a vampire.
  4. N

    Ultimate Fallout 3 Music Mod

    Cheers, it just finished downloading, so I'll give it a whirl.
  5. N

    Ultimate Fallout 3 Music Mod

    Theres already a decent music mod on this forum, is this one any better?
  6. N

    New Main menu

    I made a new mainmenu using the original background for this. Somehow I fixed that problem with the 'white dots' while loading. I don't know how though ;) Edit, Here it is in case anyone else wants it. Only difference is that it is wider, possibly higher res, and doesn't seem to have...
  7. N

    Transport mod

    Nearly every building in this game is a TARDIS.
  8. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    I uploaded it there last night, its still not up though :( edit, Is available on NMA now
  9. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    They are all in the mod, just download that and you will have them all. Edit/ links in first post.
  10. N

    [MOD] Item descriptions

    Yes please mate, that would be great. Just had a quick look at the weapons. Nice work.
  11. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    They are from the Revelation Mod. Which takes them from Fallout : Tactics and Aquanox 2: Revelation. Edit... Hey if anyone is up for extracting a few interface and dialogue images from fallout 2, we could try using them as a replacement to the revelation frames. Could be quite...
  12. N

    [MOD] Item descriptions

    This is looking really good. Text is nice and clear. Would you mind if I used this in my mod ?
  13. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Cheers Darn, turns out I had been looking in the wrong place last night. Thanks for the feedback. I have fixed the text and cross-hair issues in the next version, which should be up on NMA shortly. There may still be a problem if you encounter a conversation that gives you a lot of...
  14. N

    New Main menu

    Do you guys mind if I use this?
  15. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Yes I think I have fixed the text clipping issue (I hope). But until I release an update tomorrow or saturday you can just decrease the font sizes, and the text should fit a bit better. Edit/ I hadn't fixed it, can't seem to get the conversation options to wrap to the next line, so I will...
  16. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Sure thats cool Pope. Nirok, I'll look into that cross-hair, your right it does seem to be slightly out of place.
  17. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    I think repackaging the BSA would solve this, but it would also drastically increase the size of the mod. It might be more down to the methods that we are using to tell the game to load those textures instead of the default ones, but I'm not too sure really. edit/ The pause doesn't seem...
  18. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Yes I noticed that pause, its down to the new textures being loaded for the menus. So any menu that uses the new Revelation textures is opening very slow. The only way round it is to remove the revelation mod. There are instructions on how to do that included in the Revelations readme.
  19. N

    Day/Night Cycle

    default in the game is timescale 30 I believe. To have a fun game you want to set it to 2 or 4. That would be "set timescale to 2" in the console. That means every real minute 2 minutes pass in the game. Default 30, is 2 seconds = 1 minute I believe.
  20. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Ok I have just added it to NMA. Pope Viper, would like to help you get this working, but would need a bit more info. Fine I tested it at 2560x1600, 1280x800, 1280x1024 and 1024x768. All seemed fine.