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  1. N

    Fallout 3 Mods Metathread

    I just released a minimal UI mod which includes scaled down interface and original Fallout fonts. It also includes a slight fix for my No waypoints and markers mod. Should be available on NMA shortly but in the mean time it can be got here...
  2. N

    Calling Nad02s (or anyone familiar with compassicon.xml)

    The Invalidate file should be in the main Fallout3 folder , and not in the Data folder. Btw, I just this minute released a minimal UI mod which uses that file you found. I am 90% sure that that file is the solution to your problem. If you go down to the bottom of that file...
  3. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    Ok here is the Minimal UI mod. It seems to work quite nicely IMO. Basically I removed what I could from the hud, and scaled down the rest. I also added the original Fallout font from NMA in a more managable size for us on PC. There are a few different font sizes included with itif you wish...
  4. N

    Minimal UI mod + Revelation Thread

    EDIT: This thread is for the Minimal UI mod and the Revelation+Minimal UI mod merged. Minimal UI mod Update 4 Merged Mod heres some Pics
  5. N

    Calling Nad02s (or anyone familiar with compassicon.xml)

    You shouldn't need to repackage the BSA. As far as I know I have experienced no issues from using a few mods. The only serious issues I have had have stemmed with messing with the Ugridstoload which is unrelated to any of this. Which method are you using to use your mod? Have you...
  6. N

    Calling Nad02s (or anyone familiar with compassicon.xml)

    You can easily remove enemies and keep waypoints on the local map, but I don't know how you would remove the enemy compass markers and keep the quest ones. Theres probably another file in the Fallout-Misc.BSA other than compassicon.xml that defines what colour the marker should be i.e...
  7. N


    There are some settings in the Fallout.ini and Falloutprefs.ini files that might be able to so what you are asking. search for : [Weather] [bLightAttenuation] [BlurShaderHDR] Also there is a setting under [Landscape] that will let you change which main texture is used for the land.
  8. N

    Child Killing

    Well it happened in Megaton, and thats a pretty cramped in place. I shot the kids down by the bomb and was swamped by the hord :) To be honest it may have only been in the immediate vicinty, but since its such a cramped place, most of the npcs could 'see' what I was doing :) Try it...
  9. N

    Child Killing

    I tried shooting some kids right off the bat, but all I had was that poncy little pistol you start with. VATs wouldn't target them, so I thought a couple of well placed head shots would do the trick, but after the first shot I was pretty much dead from the whole town going nuts.
  10. N

    No Compass Marker

    Ok here is the little mod Exclusive for NMA :) Let me know if you have any trouble setting this up. P.S. Sorry for double post, but I wanted you guys to see that the thread had a new post so you could check it out. :) EDIT...
  11. N

    No Compass Marker

    Im just putting together a little mod to remove it all, will be posting it shortly. Basically, the .INI edit will remove all waypoints and quest markers, but the enemies will remain on the compass. I will add a file to the mod to also remove enemies.
  12. N

    Child Killing

    You know its kind of funny. In the old Fallout games, I never played as a child killer or general bad guy for very long without feeling guilty and having to change how I played :) But in this game, the npcs talk, act, and are such wankers that it is actually fun :)
  13. N

    [WIP]Millenia's assorted works

    Yeah it took me a while to actually find some stuff on Archive Invalidatuion since it aint used anymore. But I couldn't see how we would go about redirecting the BSAs That bInvalidateOlderFiles option you mentioned sounds like the way to go. Im going to try that with just a basic...
  14. N


    I reckon things like that would be kept in the .Esm So we would probably have to wait for the editor, unless someone can manage to get the oblivion editor working with it.
  15. N

    Child Killing

    Is it possible to knock the kids out? Because you can edit the .ini file to allow chars that normally get knocked out to be killed instead. I tried to shoot a kid but the whole town of Megaton went mad on me and killed me, I will try again when I get a minigun :twisted:
  16. N

    No Compass Marker

    Nice one ckinniburgh. I stumbled across an easier way to do this: I found a setting in the 'FalloutPrefs.ini' in the MyDocuments/MyGames/Fallout3 folder. Just set to 0. Thats the only edit anyone needs to do to get the same effect as ckinniburgh's and my mods. Although this is all...
  17. N

    [WIP]Millenia's assorted works

    sure :) With Oblivion some clever git figured out that by having a file called 'ArchiveInvalidation.txt' in the main directory with all the edited files listed in them, they could make the game load the wanted files over the .BSAs. the inside of the file would look roughly like this...
  18. N

    [WIP]Millenia's assorted works

    We can extract most of the .BSAs with the Oblivion Mod Manager, but not the Textures.bsa unfortunately. Might be best to try that Archive Invalidation technique used for most Oblivion mods. It would make the game load the files in the data folder that you have changed over the files in...
  19. N

    No Compass Marker

    As far as I can tell the game will just load up whatever files are in place of the BSAs as long as they have the correct name. Don't see why we couldn't replace the music or textures or whatever. EDIT/ I extracted the Meshes and Sounds BSAs, but don't have a prog at the moment to view...
  20. N

    No Compass Marker

    hehe thanks, I just couldn't play it with the Compass Marker on. Here's another useful edit that will allow essential characters to be killed, and also not to force a reload upon their death: Inside the folder : \My Documents\My Games\Fallout3 Open file FALLOUT.ini search for...