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  1. N

    No Compass Marker

    Your welcome. Did that work by the way? Because applying the code tags seems to have removed a small part, so here it is without code tags: <filename>Interface\HUD\</filename> <texatlas> Interface\InterfaceShared.tai </texatlas> <clips> &false...
  2. N

    No Compass Marker

    First up get an old Oblivion BSA extractor like the Oblivion Mod Manager. Extract 'Fallout - Misc.BSA' Move or rename Fallout - Misc.BSA Place those extracted folders from the BSA inside Fallout3/Data Now look in Fallout3/Data/Menus/Prefabs and find the file 'compassicon.xml'...
  3. N

    eMershun Mechanics - Falling Out: My Third Impression

    Bethesda always use the same Voice actors. And they always butcher franchises. Look what they did to Startrek, I wont forget being told to drop my shields by a Nord!
  4. N

    My issues with F3

    It still has the fucking Oblivion compass in it.... I cant play the game with it telling me where everything is.
  5. N

    Awaken Mod Help Thread (possible spoilers)

    I think you hold control or shift or soemthing to attack a friendly
  6. N

    Awaken Mod Help Thread (possible spoilers)

    Awaken, the mod that this thread is about. It has RPG elements.
  7. N

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    You mean the NPC level bug? I think everyone of my Party members levelled up at some point, but when you change to another map, they are normally reset back to standard. But who needs Party members that level up when you can have 10 of them... :) Not sure if thats normal, but with CH 7 I...
  8. N

    Awaken Mod Help Thread (possible spoilers)

    Great Mod, can't believe it's 4-5 years old and I never heard of it. I think it's got a lot of potential. Can't figure out how to get Iguana Slayer though... I thought his name might be a giveaway, but he doesn't like Iguana on a stick :) And I'm stuck on a quest to kill the Fanatics in...
  9. N

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    hehe, its all changed now. Use the metal pole, I think you get it off the ground near the 2 or 3 small scorpions to the upper right area. I think someone answered this on the previous page though :)
  10. N

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Did you actually try to change any combat settings with him wearing power armor? In my game he is useless with it on, because he just sets his settings to whatever he likes.. I.E. He runs away all the time. With power armor on, all the settings are greyed out for him in my game, so the only...
  11. N

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Your welcome. The weather is random, so sometimes there will be rain, a sand-storm or even snow, and sometimes nothing. Yep he doesn't work right in power armor, so I keep the brotherhood combat armour on him. Does anyone have a workaround for these memory leaks?
  12. N

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    I get a memory leak when trying to return to the EPA. @Prinygod. Edit the file ddraw.ini, weather mod has to use the dx9 mode, which you select in ddraw.ini. There is also an option at the bottom to change how the npcs level up. Edit. Great, the memory leak has now spread to most...
  13. N

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Or just save and reload to change the weather :) This might be intentional? .. I'm thinking because the Abbey are just Crazed Religious Freaks, they want to hoard all the ancient knowledge and give it out to no-one.... Kind of like any religious organization :) Has anyone managed to...
  14. N

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Last time I played through, they stopped talking to me because I had helped the BOS with acquiring the plans... Did you help the BOS? Maybe thats why they won't talk anymore.
  15. N

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Not seen this bug in the last 2 pages, and don't remember it from the last time I played so will post... I get this bug with Klint sometimes when I trade with him. - Unable to load from saves made after that point, also if I leave the current area, Klint remains behind. This was pissing...
  16. N

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    I'm pretty sure on my last play through it didn't do anything. But if you give the plans to the Abbey, you won't be able to give them to anyone else.... However, this may have changed now. Hehe, come on mate, it's the temple of trials... the first level... It really isn't that hard if you...
  17. N

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Yes I think it depends on what armour he's wearing. In my game he's wearing combat armour mk2, has 215 hp and max weight of 465. If you think he is unbalanced or anything, then just leave him behind ;) Personally I keep him around.
  18. N

    Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

    Hi, not sure if this bug has been posted, but I came across this last night: In Redding in the Malamute Saloon theres a dialogue you can get with Lou the Barlady about Fannie the hooker, you give Lout the cure for Jet so she can slip it to Fannie, when you hand Lou the Cure, there is a CTD...
  19. N

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Sorry I was trying to be cryptic ;) Yes I mean a Code for the computer.
  20. N

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Gonna go and check this out :) How about the Computer in NCR, is that all working right? I went there but couldn't copy the data, need a key or something but couldn't find it... Just to be sure, is that normal?