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  1. P

    A Gym Mod?

    That's true, but I've never learned to use the trunk all that well (mostly because I played FO2 unpatched for so long that I learned to fear the car's irrational disappearings), giving stuff to party members works to a certain point, but it's slow and they can't carry everything, and I am NOT...
  2. P

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    Is there a problem ofiicer?/10
  3. P

    A Gym Mod?

    Strength does actually matter; it lets you CARRY STUFF! I'm a serious pack rat, so I need strength to hoard away every useless little item everywhere.
  4. P

    A Gym Mod?

    Saying this with experiense of GTA gyms, I can say that it's both pointless and rather dumb little way expanding the already extremely huge game.
  5. P

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    Cool, althought I don't know what that is. 8/10
  6. P

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    I just can't help it, I love that. 10/10
  7. P

    Whoa. The doctor is IN.

    The Navarro Deathclaw door can be opened with the blue key card that can be taken from the Gecko reactor. Just another pointless oddity.
  8. P

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    Uhh... No. 0/10
  9. P

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    Dog, 74/10.
  10. P

    Whoa. The doctor is IN.

    Nothing, it's just another completely useless item (there are a lot of those.) Well, the same item has some use in Restoration Project, but there is a lot easier way to get it.
  11. P

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    Don't worry, it's just a Finnish actor, doing his most brilliant role (there's nothing more to it than that face.) 11/10 for spin.
  12. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Disturbed - Indestructible
  13. P

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  14. P

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    Something, 6/10
  15. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Kiuas - Kiuas War Anthem
  16. P

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Those both are vanilla bugs, but they should be fixed, really. Well, the Modoc brahmin quest isn't exactly a bug, only an AI idiocy; if your teammate hits a brahmin by accident, all of your party will turn against the brahmins. This can be extremely annoying, but it can be avoided by taking away...
  17. P

    Age of Empires...goes online?

    Giving some bonuses to players who have hacked the game for a long time would be against all common sense; the original AOE was a game where skilled players could crush newbies even if the n00bs were given several different bonuses (believe me, I have experience about this), so this some kind of...
  18. P

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    I'm getting bored to these "what?"- comments, should I change it back to the Amiga Work Bench? But for you, what? 5/10.
  19. P

    Age of Empires...goes online?

    Man, these new cherry cartoon graphics ALONE almost totally killed my interest in the game. I mean, what was wrong with the old, maybe a bit oddly scaled, but otherwise realistic graphics?
  20. P

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    But this one isn't 8/10