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  1. H

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    That sort of thing only happens in the second round. As for shitty, let's see if it gets better tomorrow. I'm off.
  2. H

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Not quite the results I cheered for in these first games, oh well. South Africa played well enough against Mexico, considering that it had scored 3 goals on italy before the official games. Shame its defense failed and they took a goal. I'm kinda rooting for them to advance into the second...
  3. H

    Images from the eruption !

    It's like Vvardenfell all over again, only real Go go let's trash lord Dagoth!
  4. H

    Fallout World 2077 Map

    I don't quite picture China invading the Soviet Union, with whom they would be neutral in the very least, nor I imagine the Soviet Union gladly letting China pass over their lands, as that would cause war with the US and of course, Soviet Union here is weakened and doesn't want that. I do...
  5. H

    Fallout World 2077 Map

    Large version here:[spoiler:227a4af732][/spoiler:227a4af732] Well, seeing as I like geopolitics and Fallout, and that the most interesting scenario to me was the state of things that triggered the war, I decided to put up a world map representing the scenario of 2077, based on the Fallout...
  6. H

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    I'm kinda proficient with the keyboard, managing to adapt songs to it and create a few tunes, but nothing overly complicated. I also play the diatonic harmonica fairly well, and always carry mine with me :D Then again, I manage mostly improvisations and adaptations that don't exceed average.
  7. H

    Vaults and life underground? anyone know?

    I think it's absurd that anyone manages to make profit on this kind of market.
  8. H

    FOnline 2238 - My story.

    In all fairness I'm not against more players from the US and the UK. I don't care where new players come from, as long as they speak decent English (something that is lacking even in American and British playerbases elsewhere) it's ok for me. My intent was pointing out that there are other...
  9. H

    Fallout Haiku

    Nice raid! - Moo, I say. Mad brahmin!They're charging Horn... in my guts.. help! [explosive brahmin captured by a herder, only he doesn't know it's explosive]
  10. H

    FOnline 2238 - My story.

    I can for one say that we don't need more players from the US and the UK. Maybe we need more English-speaking players, but that's something different than what you said, maybe what you intended. I just hope not many pay heed to your little propaganda, or we might flood the new server too =/
  11. H

    FOnline: 2238, Jumping into the 3d era

    First two questions: What's your name on the FOnline Forums, if you have any? And for Lexx (or someone who can answer), will the game now have multiple equippable areas of the body like in diablo? Explaining that picture a bit, that NPC is wearing three pieces of clothing: a shirt (sleeves...
  12. H

    Your desktop image.

    Therion is awesome indeed.
  13. H

    Your desktop image.

    It's quick like an atomic mushroom and runs basically everything. That's really all I need.
  14. H

    Amercians, anti-communist/socialist?

    I probably meant government officers, it was too late in the night to know. Either way my point remains, public expenditure and the lack of a decent, planned economic policy, are the factors that can aggravate the healthcare spending. I'll reply more by PM.
  15. H

    Fallout Haiku

    I'm going to ignore the trolltard above and I suggest we proceed like this from now on. Much work, worthless caps Gonna beat that ghoul to death Forgot a thing though [Fighting Chris Avellone in the Boneyard because he's no sense of humour]
  16. H

    Your desktop image.

    Well played, sir. Miss Cuthbert is indeed a win. Here's my new one:
  17. H

    Fallout Haiku

    Holy crap, an airship What the fuck a robot Danger Will Robinson! [Waiting for the enclave squad bomb gecko after you just taunted that officer via the computer]
  18. H

    Amercians, anti-communist/socialist?

    It's not like the healthcare bill will crush the United States' already fragile economy. People who insult it are focusing at the wrong problem: It's not healthcare or social reforms alone that will crush the economy; it's irresponsible government expenditure. Let's take Greece as a...
  19. H

    Surviving nuclear war

    Refer to your avatar for that answer.
  20. H

    Baldur's Gate Series

    Everyone who thought BG1 was weak is wrong, because one of the best things in BG1 is the free-roaming world system, where you hop from location to location, discovering new ones. BG2 is different, it's more focused on the main locations and therefore might not be the best pick to some people...