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  1. H


    Name: Brother Arm Real Name: Not known so far. Age: Around 35, it is believed. Gender: Male Race: Human Occupation: Preacher Family: None he remembers Physical appearance Eyes: Gray nearly whitened (also poor vision) Hair: Dark brown, clean cut, shaggy Height: 6 feet / 182 cm...
  2. H

    1950s Europe?

    Retrofuturistic Europe after the Great War, aye? Well, we'd have to figure out who would survive and how. China and US splitted the oil supply, so I figure Europe was in a long stagnation, unable to fund vaults, and geographically speaking Europe is small and full of important targets, while...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    4/10, nice colors, could've used them better
  4. H

    What game was this?

    Those especially, though ultimately I kill them all! Hoooo-yaaaaaaa! *katana swipe*
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    What game was this?

    This thread is alive? NO WAI! And all hail Shadow Warrior! Beaten that game last year finally, after an entire childhood fighting against it. Oh, and slay the rabbits. Right, I want to know if someone knows this. I hope not! :D EDIT: No idea about the above game.
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    Japanese Gamer Does the Unthinkable

    Uh, Japan. Nothing new. Though I wonder if he really believes it or just does it for the lulz. Moreover, change the title to Japanese man does the unthinkable YET AGAIN. I'm sure they did it before, only not wedding related.
  7. H

    What game was this?

    My guess is Fatal Fury: King of Fighters.
  8. H

    What game was this?

    Shadowrun and Actraiser! Now this is more my alley! Ima post some tough never to be found out 16-bit after I guess maximaz's next post..
  9. H

    What game was this?

    The name Air Warrior comes to mind.
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    Fallout Trivia!!

    As much as I worship rats, yer wrong Ratty. :lol: Dayglow is a province mostly to the north and west of The Glow, but without encompassing it. The Glow isn't inside of Dayglow. Somewhere in the bible Avellone answered this, I guess.
  11. H

    What game was this?

    That looks right. Now, let me try you people. An easy guess for some here, maybe.
  12. H

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    5/10 Argentinian military ¬¬
  13. H

    What game was this?

    You people are too hardcore, that one could be a million things...
  14. H

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Now back to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri plus expansion Alien Crossfire. Playing the Nautilus pirates for world dominance, after a recent victory with the Peacekeepers, in which they merged with Planet and ascended to godhood, in a way. Great game.
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    Dragon Age? What the hell happened to you?

    It's like a fucking crappy movie trailer... :cry: And... when I read Marilyn Manson on the thread, I thought that this was a montage of the clip plus some nerd's stupid song... but am I blind, or did they, Bioware themselves, put it on the video? Am I going to hear Marilyn fucking Manson on...
  16. H

    Briton faces execution for smuggling heroin in China

    Yes but in common language, Communism and Socialism had their meaning changed from Marx's original one to another one raised by the current society: right now, Socialism (China's stage in the Marxist system) means a broad spectrum of ideologies, many of which working inside capitalist...
  17. H

    Vault 13 jumpsuit font

    Try this one:
  18. H

    Briton faces execution for smuggling heroin in China

    Funny that people are still surprised by things such as this, knowing China commies. This amount of heroin would get this guy arrested at worst in Western countries, but Chinese execute people for less. He should have known better than entering China, of all places, full of drugs, without...
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    Fallout 2: CONTROVERSIAL!!

    Heh, I see the point in some of the OP's arguments, but in others I see nothing wrong. About the wasteland feeling, that's really not what I deliberately seek, so NCR and San Fran don't hurt my view of Fallout 2. I seek good story and setting. And Fallout 2 provided me with those, also with a...
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    Wasteland is moddable

    Oh, do tell me when it works and please make a mod available. I'd love to enjoy a playable Wasteland without the hassles of modding :lol: