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  1. Gorefiend

    Fallout 4 getting increasingly negative reviews

    Umm...there is actually quite a decent amout of backlash to FO4. Most of the negative arguments are about the stripping of RPG elements and turning the game into an open world shooter. Most well written non troll negative user reviews on Steam and metacritic state that, not that there isn't...
  2. Gorefiend

    FALLOUT and Steve Jackson Games... What happened?

    I have heard everything from the SJG being unhappy with the levels of violence, which may be untrue, to the changes to GURPs, to just straight up creative differences.
  3. Gorefiend

    Anyone Else think Shoddycast has become a Bethesda Bum-licking channel?

    I really didn't hate their first videos, kinda enjoy the elderscrolls and DA series..but FO4 has brought in a new wave of Beth drones and all that so I guess, just like most of society the are catering to the lowest common denominator
  4. Gorefiend

    Skyrim Remastered

    Skyrim was pretty much shit. I tried and tried to get into it. Wasted dozens of hours churning through it. Once I found out I could rob anyone by putting a bucket on their head I was out.
  5. Gorefiend

    Things you thought will be good (after E3 showcase) but ended up not so

    I didn't even think I would get a fallout game once I saw the settelment cockfart I knew this franchise was fucked, and I would not get anything resembling the franchise. They learned nothing from FNV, which while it had its issues, blew fo3 out of the water purifier. Seriously a fucking mind...
  6. Gorefiend

    Bethesda 2016 E3 showcase

    Just what I expected, a bunch of shite
  7. Gorefiend

    Fallout porn, for real

    First bethesda fucks the fans and the franchise, and now this.
  8. Gorefiend

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Dead State is alright so far, nothing too flashy, it's kinda clunky, but not off putting. I haven't gotten to the Shadowrun returns expansions yet, but I have heard good things about them, especially if you liked the original campaign, which I did, quite a bit.
  9. Gorefiend

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Just got the Shadowrun expansions on gog for like 6 bucks total and picked up Dead State reanimated for 5 bucks so messing around with them for the time being
  10. Gorefiend

    Ghouls? Do they look better compared to older fallout games?

    I concur, where as I thought Dean Domino was the coolest, but looked like a microwave pizza mated with the monster from promethus.
  11. Gorefiend

    10 best games.

    Hmm... 1. Fallout: New Vegas 2. Deus Ex 3.Planescape 4.Shadowrun (Sega SNES tie) 5. Fallout 6. Fallout 2 7. Tactics Ogre 8. Xcom, EW, and 2. Love em all 9. Lunar Silver Star 10. Mount and Blade Feel wrong for leaving out some awesome games...just trying to put up what I think I may have put...
  12. Gorefiend

    Mechajammer (formerly Copper Dreams)

    It does sound right up my alley, good to see they made it
  13. Gorefiend

    Greatest video game sound tracks

    The two Shadowrun games for Sega and Snes have always stuck with me...Sega especially today can have some "tin" to their sound, and its not as fleshed out as SNES but I can still dig it. Im sure with Shadowrun being my second favorite franchise has nuthin to do with it. I do love the old...
  14. Gorefiend

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    The one and only Youtube personality I can stomach is Christopher Odd, and his videos are just straight up Lets Plays. No strong opinions, no jiggling the ballsack of developers, no fanboyism. He hasn't done any fallouts but I have enjoyed his Xcom and Dark Soul vids. This Matty...
  15. Gorefiend

    Ghouls? Do they look better compared to older fallout games?

    I liked the originals far better. The ferals in 3 and FNV were.. alright I guess. My gripe is with the friendly ghouls..why the fuck are they all shiny like the have saran wrap on their faces...its so bad. FO4 ferals look like play-dough. "Friendlies" look like pizza. Also I hate how ferals...
  16. Gorefiend

    The Iraq War

    I supported the war and I still support greater engagement in the middle east. Break open that hornets nest to remove it.
  17. Gorefiend

    Rate the above bizarre video and post your own.

    7/10 1/10 for creepy toddlers
  18. Gorefiend

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    7/10 Don't usually dig psychedelic but that was pretty good.
  19. Gorefiend

    XBone One Fallout 4 Mod Traffic Was Bigger then That Of PC

    It's like watching someone you don't like about to slip on a 100 million dollar banana peel before tumbling down the stairs. Hopefully into a bed of spikes...with hungry tigers waiting nearby...and flamethrowers for the bone. Which turn to ash. Ash that gets thrown into the sea.