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  1. S

    The fallout boy honours his true parents

    I really like your idea. I prefer the second version you posted. I think that the tombstone should have been rotate some way to better fit the rest of your pic, other than that you did a great work. A tear for Mr. cain and his company... Have a nice Sunday, everybody out there.
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    How to add the car to a map.

    Hi Yossarian. If you include something in define.h, then you can always compile. The scripting engine takes it for macro, or an item, or anything you want. If you put it in a map header, then you're adding a map var which MUST be registered in two files: map.h and map.gam (same folder of maps...
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    Plant and Ant spray

    Hi there! A): As far as I can remember there are 2 things which crash the mapper when putting an item in your hands: you try to use an item that has screwed graphics (It's the missing .frm data thingie), and the second is you're using a .frm which is a few pixels too huge. I made all kind of...
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    Fallout: Zero becomes Zero Project

    Thanks for your quick answer, Suffer. I'm not touching the .exe, not directly. Just like many modders I'm using a loader creator: it tinkers/ backups / replaces the original .exe (not sure how it works). It is used to change stuff like starting date, PC appearence, it disables intro movies and...
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    Fallout: Zero becomes Zero Project

    My apologies for being off-topic... Well, just a bit... Here we're talking about total convertions, but what about us lone working modders? I find these news worrysome. Should those working on smaller projects carefully consider this problem?
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    My main screen. Advice needed (pic inside)

    O.k, let's see... A): There's no door becouse I'm not in real textures yet... Windows are made with a simple hand made grid for bump mapping. The red car is actually textured, but it's not that much... Let's say there are automatic sliding doors. B): my mod is set some 6/12 months before the...
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    My main screen. Advice needed (pic inside)

    This render shows all my lack of skill. I know many of you folks deal with graphics in a serious way: I need your criticism and advice. So, without further ado:
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    metal armour

    Nope, you don't suck at all. Better modeling than me. I'd just lower the bottom edge of the breast plate for better protection. Your M.A. looks good. Cheers!
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    How to add the car to a map.

    Hi Chris Parks. To tell the truth I haven't tinkered much with the car... I'm simply positive that the only scripts involved are the map ones. I can only think about a code mistake or the fact that something slipped past my attention. The latter being probable... I got a look in scripts and...
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    pipboy prob

    Hi Ravachol. The exe has already been edited (err... cracked?) by Andy Spacetrain... Or better, he made a fo2 loader maker. This program allows you to create an alternate exe: you can set stuff like starting date, starting map, pipboy from the start, Pc appearence and so on. It can disable the...
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    General attacks

    Hehe... Needed any evidence that computers are rocket fast idiots? That's interesting though. Did you try something like: if ((target_obj != dude_obj) and (target_obj != self_obj)) then begin if (obj_can_see_obj(self_obj,target_obj)) then begin attack(target_obj); end end...
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    General attacks

    Hi there, Lyer. I gave your first piece of code a try: #define any_obj ( (PID_SHI_GUARD) or\ (PID_SHI_MALE_PEASANT) or\ (PID_SHI_FEMALE_PEASANT) ) procedure critter_p_proc begin if (obj_can_see_obj(self_obj,any_obj))...
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    Italiano Fallout

    So he did it? Hat down to him. Ragfox, you really should send your work to cgames magazines... Give your project as much visibility as you can. I personally know a bunch of people who just got mesmerized simply watching Fo1 intro... And never played it... They really needed an interpreter...
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    General attacks

    O.K.... Lemmy see... 1): You could define a macro in a header and call it in your scripts... In define.H for exemple: it's mandatory in every script. I never tried to define a macro, though... It should be simple with FSE. You could do it even without a macro. There are 10 ruined town in the...
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    How to add the car to a map.

    Hi Chris Parks. Here is an excerpt from Broken Hills map 1: if ((map_var(MVAR_Made_Car) == 0) and (global_var(GVAR_PLAYER_GOT_CAR) != 0) and (car_current_town == AREA_BROKEN_HILLS)) then begin set_map_var(MVAR_Made_Car,1)...
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    General attacks

    Hi Lyer. I checked the Vorpal rat's and king Arthur's scripts and I think the answer to your first question lies there. The thing is handled via the map script: you export any_obj as a variable, then you import it in both the attacker and target scripts. Map script: export variable...
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    pipboy prob

    Hi there. I think it should be done via a global variable block. Unfortunately I haven't the original artemple.ssl anymore (I use a custom one). If I remember correctly the pipboy is "activated" when the temple movie is triggered... So you can simply check the scripts and see how the thing is...
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    O.k... First of all my apologies for mispelling your name, Requiem_for_a_starfury. Now, down to business: 1): as far as I know the only objects which have two sets of sequences are items like flares, explosives and so on. They are hardcoded, period. You can simply turn the rain self visibility...
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    That was how they made rain in Baldur's Gate. To Requiem_for_a_star_fury: yes, I think it could be done. Just a piece of code in the map script. You make a scenery/miscelanneus object with the rain art, the map script checks a random possibility for rain upon map enter: then the script spawns...
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    FO/FO2 map screen

    It's 450 * 450. (Welcome back, Ashmo)