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  1. R plays Fallout 3

    I'm in a hurry and I really don't want to further drag myself into this crap. Let me just say that there's a world of difference between and For one, there aren't that many graphical engines out there that have atmosphere rendering capabilities, if you really choose to be literal... :roll:
  2. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #6

    I want to mention that Bethesda hardcoded many vital combat and world creation components of Oblivion making them virtually inaccessible for TES4 modding enthusiasts. I also want to remind you that currently it seems very likely that no Fallout 3 SDK will ever be released to the public. At...
  3. R plays Fallout 3

    As a game developer, I'm well aware of the use of the term "render" in the world of computer graphics. I am also aware of the fact that most people, including myself, use this word in a whole variety of contexts that are not relevant to its particular meaning. Same goes for "mouse", "driver"...
  4. R

    Tom Chick responds to Wired piece

    Ah, it's nice to see some Wikipedia mentality in action...
  5. R plays Fallout 3

    They obviously implied that a Mad Max-styled post-apocalyptic world would be pretty barren and ordinary in comparison to the original Fallout games. Also, I believe (a) it is a rather amateur translation of the originally French article; (b) the word "render" has a crapload of other meanings in...
  6. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #4

    Let's not blow these things out of proportions here. "Massive square mileage" means "smaller than Oblivion", instead of previously announced "much, much smaller than Oblivion". A "world" (bear with the quotation marks) of less than 4x4 miles is not that impressive at all, especially considering...
  7. R

    Fallout 3 Bridge Crossing Video

    What are you talking about? I saw more of non-VATS AI action than my eyes could handle. They either stood still and shot at you or run right at you in a straight line. The melee combat looked exactly like Oblivion.
  8. R

    Polish Gry Online plays Fallout 3

    Chinese invasion? But of course! Those decapitating teddy bears are starting to make a hell of a more sense! I guess I need to go and apologize to that little prick Howard now.. :oops:
  9. R

    Polish Gry Online plays Fallout 3

    No hardware limitations. Vast (game) modding possibilities. I've downloaded more texture packs and mods than I can remember and nothing resuscitates an old game like a high-def texture pack and a couple of professionally made modifications that go far beyond the scope of the original game...
  10. R

    Polish Gry Online plays Fallout 3

    That was hilarious. Thanks for the link, Taskeen. EDIT: Did you watch some of his other reviews? I'm watching LEGO Indiana Jones and it's even funnier than his review of Oblivion. EDIT2: Spent an hour of worktime watching...
  11. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    Er, when an Uranium-238-filled bomb explodes, you are no longer dealing with U-238 but with its fission products that are much more short-lived. Did you even read the Seven-Ten Rule and Chernobyl quote I mentioned?
  12. R

    PC Gamer US Lays Hands on Fallout 3, and Shacknews too

    Yay for gay porn or whatever it is. EDIT: Random Shacknews things I just noticed
  13. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    Quick Google search (I don't have an access to my library from here) As I said, the original game had a point and a purpose.
  14. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #2

    And then he showed us a game that was built with nothing but console owners in mind. Almost every design decision I saw in there basically screamed "Xbox 360!!!" Just take a look at the game's interface, for crying out loud.
  15. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    @Anani Masu You fail to count in the peculiar setting of the first Fallout. It wasn't supposed to be scientific. It was supposed to look retro and pseudo-scientific. Like, say, Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was reflecting the mainstream views of the 50s that saw radiation as dangerous and...
  16. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    The Seven-Ten Rule: for every sevenfold increase in time after detonation, there is a tenfold decrease in the radiation rate. E.g., if the radiation intensity 1hr after detonation is 1,000 Roentgens (measure of radiation exposure) per hour, after 7hr it will have decreased to 1/10 as much. In 7...
  17. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    Please. The original was much more reasonable in that regard. It didn't have radioactive ghoul spells and radioactive food. Radiation was dangerous and often lethal, just the way it should be. And the environment looked considerably more dilapidated and appropriate. There were no 200-year-old...
  18. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    Per, any residual radiation left by the war bombings would entirely dissipate within several years. A couple of decades for some of the longer living isotopes, perhaps, but 200 years? Bethesda's views on radiation and decomposition (not to mention teddy bears) are entirely unscientific and...
  19. R

    Fallout 3 Bridge Crossing Video

    So that's what it is, huh? I guess the pack of cigarettes is filled with depleted uranium? Also, where the f--k did he manage to get 10 toy bears? Super Duper Mart?
  20. R

    PC Gamer US Lays Hands on Fallout 3, and Shacknews too

    There's no need for such complicated scenarios. From what I understand, you will be able to see lone kids standing unharmed in the middle of a nuclear explosion every time you make a Fatman shot into a crowd. A word of caution: they will rat you out to their parents afterwards.