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  1. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #76

    Muse in Vivo actually had a better quote than "I was all like, "Is that Liam Neeson?! IT IS!! It's gotta be." Per, you're not getting soft on us now, are you? Get yourself together man. Only 24 more to go :wink:
  2. R

    Jeff Gardiner on DLC again

    Oh and Jeff - may I call you Jeff - could you possibly sign my boobs please? I don't suppose that "Fallout cannon" happens to be some impressive piece of futuristic artillery that was present in the previous two games, does it?
  3. R

    Bethesda Vs. Black Isle: Sex, Brats, And Addiction

    Well, "Welcome to Megaton. The bomb is perfectly safe, we promise." did make me smirk. It also made me uninstall the game 3 minutes after. :shrug:
  4. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #75

    The conversations you'll have with the various people you meet in <s>Fallout 3</s> NMA range from disturbing to hilarious, but they all have one thing in common: fantastic writing. - IGN
  5. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #75

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors you feel compelled to perform. If you have OCD, you probably recognize that your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational – but...
  6. R

    Fallout 3 tidbits

    Again, what would the definition be? You're avoiding my legitimate questions with knee-jerk reactionary responses. Go ahead, explain to me why Mass Effect is categorically not a jRPG and what the actual (unambiguous) definition of jRPG is. I'm all ears.
  7. R

    Fallout 3 tidbits

    The substance of my earlier gaming site quote, by the way, is as follows: And if you really want to continue this discussion in an intelligible manner, try making an actual declarative statement now and then. As amusing as they are, your "common, common, very common" and "is that what you...
  8. R

    Fallout 3 tidbits

    If you read what I said earlier, I used the gaming websites in an entirely different contest. Once again, "not being familiar with a confusing neologism that is not used by game critics and not even mentioned by the indiscriminate garbage bin of encyclopedia that is Wikipedia?" How dense can...
  9. R

    Fallout 3 tidbits

    No offense, but what ineffectual responses. The fact that I didn't mention every major gaming website out there, and the fact that I did not come up with a complete list of jRPG titles that break the mold, do not have anything to do with the validity of my arguments. Most oldest game reviewing...
  10. R

    Fallout 3 tidbits

    Let me reiterate: jRPG is an English language neologism and Yusuke Naora, in contrast to John Carmack, is not an English-speaking person. If the term is not prevalent among Japanese developers, there is nothing unprofessional about not knowing it. As for the differences, reread my earlier post...
  11. R

    Fallout 3 tidbits

    Why, thank you... :scratch:
  12. R

    Fallout 3 tidbits

    I'm sorry, but, my god, some of you can be quite dim sometimes... There is nothing wrong with not using or even knowing the term jRPG. For one, they don't exactly call them "Japanese RPGs" in Japan. They call them "RPGs", just like they call, or at least used to call Fallout and other Western...
  13. R

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    The game does have an incalculable number of noteworthy problems (the elementary school level quality of its writing is most certainly one of them), but I really don't see the first-person camera as that much of an issue. I know it's been discussed before, but what would be the benefit of...
  14. R

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    The only actual addition to the game they're about to release is the the downloadable content, and, as far as I know, it's not going to be free, not by a long shot. The only "free thing" they are giving us then is the SDK, and it's exactly like the compensation-free opportunity to paint my...
  15. R

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    If being a troll isn't your full time profession, could I interest you with a free opportunity of repainting my kitchen for me? <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425"...
  16. R

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    My thoughts exactly. The almost undoubtedly buggy and limited in functionality editor is simply too little and way too late to be of any significance. As much as I wanted to put my surgical gloves on and start cutting, combating the CS would do nothing but benefit the talentless hacks of...
  17. R

    Kotaku: Fallout 3 is broken

    One of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on NMA.
  18. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #44

    Because putting excellence, originality and innovation over the overblown piece of mediocrity that is Halo 1-2 (haven't played #3) is nothing but dumb... :roll:
  19. R

    Kotaku: Fallout 3 is broken

    If anything, the first frame is more reminiscent of Fallout 3's V.A.T.S. than the original combat system of the predecessors. The second frame... Yeah, I don't even know what's the second frame is about. EDIT: Yea, but it says "Wasteland life, pre-V.A.T.S.", not "Role-playing gaming...
  20. R

    NMA: Fallout 3 impressions

    If I recall my 2006 experiences correctly, it took me about 15 minutes to run from one end of Oblivion to another. Considering that Fallout 3 is smaller in size and that it doesn't really have the environmental diversity of its predecessor, I'm not even able to agree to this point. Oblivion had...