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  1. S

    New Vegas Energy weapons start

    You know, in the last few days I decided to pick up New Vegas for another run, this time with an energy-weapons only character (on very hard though) and it's rather impossible 'til the middle game: ammo are rare just like parts. And while it's true that are meant to be rarer they don't really...
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    So why can't Fallout have tank gangs in it?

    You know, I was thinking about this (lore-wise) and I think that Tanks could be something in the Fallout Universe (at least for factions like the NCR): it's just that the idea tanks must be redifined. Heavy Tanks would be too costly to mantain and manifacture and too much of a loss if destroyed...
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    Ranking the SPECIAL stats.

    From worst to best: Charisma, Perception, Endurance, Luck, Agility, Strength, Intelligence.
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    Not planning to buy Fallout 76 any time soon. Just wanted to know if the quests are at least Fallout 3 level quality.
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    I was just curious to ask an opinion about the quests they have introduced in the last update. Are they any good?
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    What would be the best build for a Brotherhood Scribe ?

    Skills: Energy weapons, science and repair, medicine. SPECIAL: High intelligence and agility for sure, change the others as you wish Traits: Fast shooter and Disciplined trigger if you want to focus more on combat. Good natured for passive skills, four eyes for a more "nerdy" character...
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    Wasteland 3 announced

    Dope (Though I wish they showed some more dialogues)
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    Fallout city construction game?

    BTW I think that of there were more post-apoc States a Grand Strategy game would be fun
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    My rant on Todd Howard.

    It was actually emperor Marcus Aurelius
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    Your Fallout 5 wishlist

    New kinds of mutated beasts and humans. Given what FEV and radiation have done to animals, I'd like to see creatures with humanoid intelligence and humans who evolved in a way or another. (A mutant race with psychic powers, for instance, even though there should so few of them they became a...
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    My rant on Todd Howard.

    The "Ugly Pete" part had me dying in laughter
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    The Ticking of the Clock

    *Masturbate furiously*
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    The Ticking of the Clock

    Dismissing Graham's opinion as just salt seems a little too simplistic to me. He was the closest to Caesar and the one who helped him build the Legion in the first place. He certainly has authority on the matter. Besides, if it was just resentment towards his former partner, why would he hold...
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    The Ticking of the Clock

    Running an empire is no easy task
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    The Ticking of the Clock

    Lanius' "vision" is more of a strategic evaluation and he explicitly says "Caesar's will Is the will of the Legion" even after his death. I'll use history to answer to this one. Both the fascist and nazi regime used to put a lot of attention on the indoctrination of the youth. For instance...
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    The Ticking of the Clock

    I agree that the Legion's already as vast as an empire - but not for Caesar it seems. I suppose only time will tell. Doubt that Bethesda will ever make a game on the West Coast. PS I was always thought that the fact you can just blast in and kill Caesar was simply dumb, even at high levels.
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    The Ticking of the Clock

    The discussion with Caesar gives a brief history of the Legion and Caesar's grand plan. Plus his education and origins. I think that's enough to get a general idea. Indeed, but they're both Castouts I think I have exhausted my argument about them. They're all capable in their own field of...
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    The Ticking of the Clock

    Yes, Vulpes is probably the closest to Caesar among Legion ranks. However, if you talk to him you realize that despite his knowledge as spymaster and even political cunning, he still fits perfectly into a dogmatic ideological framework - Caesar's. Now of course openly disagreeing with a dictator...
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    Science and lockpicking

    Don't forget to cast your vote