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    What Will Fallout 76's Failures Mean for Fallout 5?

    I honestly believe that the flora would be ok in a game set 210+ years after the war, less It was in the desert
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    Main Problem with Fallout 4

    The real problem of the game is the linear gameplay. They a had a clear idea in mind for Fallout 4, and It can be summed up with " Kill, Pillage, Build; repeat". All the rest is built around it.
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    What Will Fallout 76's Failures Mean for Fallout 5?

    I read it in Colbert's voice
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'm playing Europa Universalis IV at the moment. I'm having a run with Avaria (a National in the Caucasus). I've managed to break free from o erlord Gazikumuh and now I'm allied to the Ottomans.
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    Kentucky Fried Chicken

    I ate once at KFC. Let's just say it gave me urticaria on both of my legs.
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    Katchup or Catsup?

    Degenerates like you belong on a cross
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    Do you still have faith in Obsidian as a developer?

    Shouldn't I? The Outer Worlds seems fine without the involvment of Avellone
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    Katchup or Catsup?

    Whenever an American puts ketchup on pasta, an Italiano dies of heart attack
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    Fallout 3 criticisms

    Actually they hold several spots in the wasteland. Fort Bannister Is their headquarters and they fight over the Capitol and Taka-somethin' park. They Also seem to have artillery cannons AND they're trying to fix a satellite station for orbital strikes. They're definetely pretty powerful, however...
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    Fallout 3 criticisms

    The Talon Company has always puzzled me. They're probably one of the most obscure parte of the games, especially because it was wasted potential. Buy then again you could say that about the whole game.
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    What Are Your Favorite Video Games of All Time

    I've played several games and enjoyed most of them, buy "favourite" Is a big word. I mean, except forse Fallout there's nothing I'm really Crazy for. If I had to make a list of fame I liked, though, It would be something like this: BioShock Series Wasteland 2 Dishonored 2 & death of the...
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    What are the best things? (recommendations thread?)

    I really like the man in the high castle and Preacher. American gods too. And right now I'm watching and enjoying Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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    Would Microsoft turn Wasteland into a Bethesda Fallout clone?

    I think that the success of Fallout 4 was due to hype and surprise effect. After new vegas (not well received by many) there was a void of several years, which got people excited. And then... we know what happened. Fallout 4 was my wake up call personally