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  1. Mστh

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Glad to see you posting here more my man. Hope you're taking care of yourself.
  2. Mστh

    Getting the Steam Version to Work

    Now I've already read some old threads made here on it, but I'm having no luck. Steam packages Fallout with both SFALL and the HD mod and serious fucks it up. I've tried reviewing older threads but can't quite get everything working properly. Wondering what you guys do/have tried. I can't use...
  3. Mστh

    The Legend of Roshambo Lives On! (TriangleCity's New Video Covering Rosh In FOTactics)

    You gotta remember, Odin disappeared from the site quite awhile ago. People come and go, and a big majority of our members are folks who only came post Fallout 3 launch. First generation NMAer's (03-07), we are a dying breed.
  4. Mστh

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Because we don't lol. I mean I have some problems, but I'm not mentally ill enough to use Twitter.
  5. Mστh

    The Legend of Roshambo Lives On! (TriangleCity's New Video Covering Rosh In FOTactics)

    Holy shit, Briosafreak? How's he doing? No one really cares or says much about Odin. I think since 50% of this site (as it stands now) came here AFTER his period as admin most people don't even know who he was.
  6. Mστh

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Jesus christ, you use Twitter?
  7. Mστh

    City Slickers is not a western lol, it's a comedy with Billy Crystal. It's more like Blazing...

    City Slickers is not a western lol, it's a comedy with Billy Crystal. It's more like Blazing Saddles than it is a western.
  8. Mστh

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    Hey I will definitely check that out, I love roguelikes. Thanks for the recommendation man.
  9. Mστh

    Is A New Game Even Necessary?

    I remember watching one of those hooker doc's HBO used to do back in the day. One the girls they interviewed said she had a customer who, apparently, told her nothing can make him ejaculate anymore. So - he pulled out a prescription bottle full of sewing needles and pins and said he'd pay her a...
  10. Mστh

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    How can you guys even have hope for anything Fallout? It's always the same let down every time. Your money would be better spent paying a hooker to kick you in the balls every time you start to get your hopes up.
  11. Mστh

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    SHHHH. Don't look at that! Uh, uh - hey, did you guys know that Trump's administration might have been funding bioweapons research in Ukraine! What do you mean you want percentages and probability, or facts in it's place? You know, you're a bigot. I bet you would vote in the Klan. Hey...
  12. Mστh

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    Grab Nightdive's Enhanced Edition off of Steam. It fixes just about every problem you mention here - smoothens out pretty much all of the controls to make movement, inventory switching, and gunplay feel nice, and makes it feel like you're playing an actual game instead of an operating system...
  13. Mστh

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    I mean hell at least there's a chance for anyone non-democrat to win there. You should see NM's election map. Looks like one of the smurfs took a shit over New Mexico. Remember when the Democrats literally wanted to keep slavery and started a civil war over it that still remains to this day the...
  14. Mστh

    Yeh I remember that. Tomorrow Toront and I are going to talk to ya about joining Redacted if...

    Yeh I remember that. Tomorrow Toront and I are going to talk to ya about joining Redacted if you're cool with that. We just recently opened up the books for new members and I really think you'd be good for the group. You can read our purpose/mission statement in the latest thread (made in Redacted).
  15. Mστh

    The Legend of Roshambo Lives On! (TriangleCity's New Video Covering Rosh In FOTactics)

    Yeh I'm not sure on the exact dates because it was so long ago when I saw it all happen, but I know two things for sure: 1. Roshambo disappeared sometime POST Fallout 3 launch 2. When I say disappeared, I don't use the word lightly. There was not a single trace of him after he was gone, not...
  16. Mστh

    Do you pickpocket in games?

    Pickpocketing in Fallout 2 was almost necessary for me. Pickpocketing in Atom was a good way to not be broke all the fucking time too.
  17. Mστh

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    WHAT?!?! HOW DARE YOU! System Shock 1 is fucking amazing.
  18. Mστh

    Found it. Thanks for letting me know! I was also going to ask, would you wanna join Redacted? We...

    Found it. Thanks for letting me know! I was also going to ask, would you wanna join Redacted? We could really use someone like you - our ultimate goal is to help grow NMA.
  19. Mστh

    The Legend of Roshambo Lives On! (TriangleCity's New Video Covering Rosh In FOTactics)

    He may not be actually dead. But the man almost completely disappeared from the internet around 2008... no one has been able to track him down (though to be fair, for obvious reasons not many people tried) and we have heard absolutely nothing about him despite the fact that he was supposedly a...
  20. Mστh

    Really? Awesome, can you link it for me?

    Really? Awesome, can you link it for me?