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  1. Mστh

    The most pain you have ever been in

    I mean, that first incident led to a life of literally being enslaved to a medication, so trust me, it's not a game I wanted to win lol. Especially considering what the prizes are... Show him what he won, Sherry!
  2. Mστh

    The most pain you have ever been in

    Huh. This one is tough. Either being hit by a pickup truck at 35mph or that time my intestines ruptured and stomach acid began to literally slowly burn me alive from the inside out would be my answer. Probably the latter. Two things I would not want to go through: > Kidney stone - One of the...
  3. Mστh

    Agreed. Finnish folklore and music is great. It's too bad their country has had a terrible...

    Agreed. Finnish folklore and music is great. It's too bad their country has had a terrible history due to being sandwiched in between a bunch of assholes.
  4. Mστh

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Jesus. All of his animations are just talking shit about right wing figures. That's literally his entire schtick. I mean don't get me wrong, even I think half those people he made videos on are morons, I just don't understand how you can let your dislike for something define you so thoroughly...
  5. Mστh

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    I have to admit, it's done so fucking well, even the soundtrack is great. The music that starts up at 1:08 in the first video fits perfectly. The guy who makes these is legitimately talented. It started out as a stupid meme/joke crossover between Mickey Mouse and MGS, but he ended up fleshing...
  6. Mστh

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    @TorontoReign More of a Razorfist fan myself.
  7. Mστh

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    I mean... theoretically speaking, Vietnam was neither bad nor good (well, at least as far as war goes anyways). It just was... and ultimately ended up being a very pointless conflict. One of many proxy wars that happened in the Cold War, but because they don't educate people on the war...
  8. Mστh

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    He was the leader of Cambodia's Communist movement, the Khmer Rogue - and like pretty much every Communist leader in existence, was personally responsible for mass killings and purges of his own people that numbered in the millions. Another fun fact: Did you know China tried to invade Vietnam...
  9. Mστh

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    I wish the world would collectively come together to realize that none of our lives mean shit, nobody matters, and skin color is probably the least of your worries. Good old fashioned nihilism never let anybody down, I say. Can't be let down when there are no expectations to begin with! EDIT...
  10. Mστh

    King Charles (not the Spaniel)

    Fixed it for you.
  11. Mστh

    Let's Play - Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

    I know, thanks and as always I love ya like a brother, you faggot. I'ma obviously keep posting here for a bit because NMA is my home, even if it's little more than an empty ass box I'm using to keep the rain off my head these days, but I'm leaning more towards "Operation: Find New Posters"...
  12. Mστh

    Let's Play - Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

    ☥ Act 0: Absolution ☥ Walking down the trail, Gray became awash with a feeling of contentment. The wind blew ever so lightly yet was a comfortable breeze keeping the latent remnants of the summer heat in early autumn at bay. As his feet carried him down the path, subtle signs revealed...
  13. Mστh

    Let's Play - Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

    Hah, I knew you'd like this. I have to admit, it's a daunting task - especially with the amount of roleplaying we'll/I'll be doing in order to flesh out the Let's Play and make it seem lively and entertaining - but it's something I wanted to do for quite awhile. I hope to have Chapter / Act 0...
  14. Mστh

    History of NMA

    Yeh. None of that ever happened. But you go be all the retard you can be, Billy. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something because of your mental disability. EDIT: For someone who shitposts 24/7, I find it funny you can't recognize a blatantly obvious shitpost.
  15. Mστh

    History of NMA

    He goes after me in particular because I called him out in front of everyone when I came back to NMA. And rightfully so. This guy is one of the most unlikable people I've ever met. But that's fine, let him talk shit, it's no sweat off my back that he has such a hard on for me. He's already...
  16. Mστh

    Let's Play - Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

    ☥ Introduction ☥ This is going to be a Let's Play, done in classic forum style, for one of my favorite games of one of my favorite series of all time, Ultima. Whenever people ask me "what Ultima should I start with?", I always, always tell them to start at Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. This is...
  17. Mστh

    History of NMA

    Yeah, as I predicted - you couldn't stay away. And not a single person here is socialist, what the fuck are you even on about? I'm not even left wing. I'm right, fuck - I'm right of right. You're just uncharismatic as fuck, so it wouldn't even matter if we had the same politics (we don't)...
  18. Mστh

    What was your first RPG?

    I still have never played the Might and Magic RPGs. I want to but I'm not sure which one to start with. It looks like either 3 or 4 is a safe bet.
  19. Mστh

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The writing in the first Atom is already really good, which I can't believe I'm actually saying about a slav game. Usually slavjank has a god fucking awful story and writing, and most often is translated into broken English which only serves to drop the tier of the writing even further from "bad...
  20. Mστh

    History of NMA

    Pfft. He'll be back, guaranteed. We ain't that lucky. Maybe even with a new account. Maybe he'll pretend to be Australian next.