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  1. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    I mean, I'm not even talking about whether the war was justified or not. Yes 9-11 was atrocious, and something definitely needed to be done, but that's not really what I was getting at. I'm just talking about if Americans were showing up everywhere online being belligerent assholes on any site...
  2. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Jesus, I feel like I'm reading something churned out by a random paragraph generator. The lack of any type of meaningful punctuation really amplifies the whole "wall-of-text" thing this guy's got going on here. Pro-tip: single sentences usually don't run on for the length of an entire paragraph...
  3. Mστh

    The Art & World of Horrible Music

    By the way, this isn't a song done ironically, or as a joke. These two idiots are 100% serious and wrote the song, unironically, as a response to people calling them beta.
  4. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    That's cute Billy. That your version of a retarded child's finger painting?
  5. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Bi Polar Disorder, but Billy here probably suffers from that too. In fact I'm beginning to wonder if his mother was hitting that bottle, taking some sippies out of the old wine bottle behind her husbands back while she was pregnant. Maybe she was in her third trimester and on her third wine...
  6. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Last I checked this was a site for old school Fallout fans, not a community where suffers of BPD could gather.
  7. Mστh

    What, you expect me not to keep an eye on everyone's favorite attention whore?

    What, you expect me not to keep an eye on everyone's favorite attention whore?
  8. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Do you whore for attention in every post Billy, or is this a new thing for you?
  9. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    It's only a matter of time at this point. Eventually people are going to get tired of reading (or simply skipping past, as I'm sure most do these days) five paragraph long posts rambling about absolutely nothing in every single thread.
  10. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    It depends on who you ask. Some people think it's Dopamine Cleric either going off the deep end or doing an elaborate troll while using an IP changer to make him appear to be from the UK, and I have it from a good source it is indeed actually Dopa. However, I think there is a possibility that...
  11. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    I can understand your point of view Zegh. My main comment was directed at people thousands of miles away pretending to care yet not lifting a finger to do anything.
  12. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    And as if putting "lol" and "lmao" everywhere isn't kind of being condescending and a passive aggressive prick. See, we've all got quirks. We can easily settle this dispute about my own personality right now though. No one here knows me better than @TorontoReign considering I've spent hundreds...
  13. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Sure, why not. I feel like my country's current administration is fucking up royally, and inflation is going through the roof because of it. There ya go, there's something I care about.
  14. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Hah, you obviously don't know me very well. Or you don't understand internet dialogue very well. People are assholes - as am I, not denying that. Doesn't mean I'm wrong though. They'll also be "weirdly aggressive" about things they have nothing to do with. This is the internet. I enjoy when...
  15. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    "So much?" This is the first post I've made on it. Here, or anywhere else for that matter. There's a difference between caring, and simply having disdain for the hypocrisy people show.
  16. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    I don't want people to do anything but quit pretending as if they care. That's it. The donation piece was pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. And the recession isn't so bad that you can't find five extra dollars to give to something people purportedly "deeply care about", unless presumably...
  17. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    It's just ridiculous the way people have reacted to it, especially on social media. As if putting a Ukraine flag in your Twitter name and/or bio or writing an 'open letter' poem to Putin is going to make him think, "ah fuck, you're right, you're right. C'mon guys, pack your shit up, we're...
  18. Mστh

    Any games like Fallout?

    Fallout 2 is basically Fallout 1, but the Wild Wasteland trait was included and made a mandatory option that you can't turn off. I wonder what the pitch for Fallout 2 was. "So... what if, now hear me out here, what if, we took a bunch of random shit and threw it in a blender and made a Fallout...
  19. Mστh

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    So let's all be honest with ourselves here. Nobody here truly gives a fuck about this anymore right?
  20. Mστh

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Holy shit what the hell is going on over here? What did I miss? Fascist motorcycles? What?