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  1. TheKingofVault14

    New Fallout trailer

    Wow, I can't believe he ACTUALLY said that! Heh ain't reassuring huh? :ok: :roll: :???: Thanks @Risewild for the source! :clap: Also DITTO @eissa , for me it's astonishing they even said that flat out! :shock:
  2. TheKingofVault14

    New Fallout trailer

    Is that a real article or a meme? Because if it's a meme, I guess that explains why I can't find it. :confused:
  3. TheKingofVault14

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    Wow, not even once was Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel was even acknowledged/mentioned. YIKES! Well, better drink some Bawls Guarana to soothe the pain eh? @Bawls Lover ;) :-D Oh, and even though it was only acknowledged/mentioned once, at least Fallout Tactics has a card dedicated to it. Which...
  4. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout 5: Greater Orleans & Your Ideas

    If they were to do a Deep South/another swamp like setting, New Orleans being the obvious example. They would have to reinvent on how they're going to present it, because of places like Point Lookout that have already fulfilled an exploration experience in a swamp. I'm open for a future Fallout...
  5. TheKingofVault14

    History of NMA

    I guess so @Carib FMJ ! :shrug: Also @Post-War Tribal , dang you gained access to their Discord Server!? What does that even look like? Are they active & lively? Or not so much? BTW I don't have Discord, so I couldn't even try to get on their even if I wanted to. :confused:
  6. TheKingofVault14

    New Fallout trailer

    Heh heh, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. Knowing other blunders regarding crappy CGI, I wouldn't put it past them to be hiding it at the moment. :roffle: :roffle: :roffle: :roll:
  7. TheKingofVault14

    New Fallout trailer

    Dang, for me this hits hard, because it's true! NGL I've had this on the back of my mind for awhile now, for someone to finally say it out in the open all but confirms it. One big example of this, is the original idea of what Vault Tec's motives were for all the crazy Vault Experiments. This...
  8. TheKingofVault14

    New Fallout trailer

    "In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. Because war... war never changes." -Fallout New Vegas Ending Narration This quote right here perfectly captures what the world of Fallout is supposed...
  9. TheKingofVault14

    New Fallout trailer

    Just saw the trailer, still not 100% convinced, I have low expectations. I'm just going to wait & see how it all turns out! TBH, I'm not expecting much, it probably will be crap. :confused: :-? Also, @PaxVenire DITTO! I agree with all the points you've made. :ok:
  10. TheKingofVault14

    Dutch Ghost final post

    Dutch, take all the time you need to take care of yourself. I'm glad that shared your situation, & I hope that all goes well for you from here! :ok: :smile:
  11. TheKingofVault14

    This might not be the most blasphemous game anymore...

    Interesting take, care to explain why you think so? :confused: Because other than being pretty lore inaccurate, I've got nothing. :confused: :confused: :confused:
  12. TheKingofVault14

    This might not be the most blasphemous game anymore...

    Bruh, imagine if that were a thing... I mean my gosh, just thinking of all the possibilities that could go with that game having mods. Insanity, & LEGENDARY! :look: O.o
  13. TheKingofVault14

    A first look at Magic the Gathering - Fallout. Available March 8, 2024

    HECK YEAH!!! Fallout Tactics finally getting some love, WOOHOO! :clap: :clap: :clap: :ok:
  14. TheKingofVault14

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    THIS, this right here is exactly what the late Shamus Young was talking about in his video, regarding Bethesda misunderstanding a lot of aspects of the Fallout series such as this one: Truth be told, I used to misunderstand the reasoning behind the usage of the 1950s retrofuturism aesthetic...
  15. TheKingofVault14

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    Wow I never knew that's what was being said during that sequence, :shock: thanks for sharing this Pax! :clap: :ok: