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  1. Ayelander


    Those filthy fucking BUGS deserve to be targeted.
  2. Ayelander

    We both know he meant Arkham City, don't be a BULLY.

    We both know he meant Arkham City, don't be a BULLY.
  3. Ayelander

    Guns or money?

    Guns or money?
  4. Ayelander

    I will fight you.

    I will fight you.
  5. Ayelander

    Just who are you trying to entice with this information?

    Just who are you trying to entice with this information?
  6. Ayelander

    Bethesda going out of its way to ignore New Vegas

    Jealousy, plain and simple. They did everything in their power to fuck Obsidian over and they still delivered a higher quality product than all of DudeNukesLMAO rolled into one. The only time I've heard a NV reference from Bethesda is the fucking alien molepeople city underneath the Mojave that...
  7. Ayelander

    Never ever.

    Never ever.
  8. Ayelander

    Replayed Spore on a whim. If the game had more to the creature stage and was less RTS every...

    Replayed Spore on a whim. If the game had more to the creature stage and was less RTS every stage forward it might have been alright.
  9. Ayelander

    wow how could you tell me to go fuck myself i thought we were friends

    wow how could you tell me to go fuck myself i thought we were friends
  10. Ayelander

    Jsesu Chirst

    Jsesu Chirst
  11. Ayelander

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    Merry Christmas everyone.
  12. Ayelander

    The Black Parade

    Some are more loved than others.
  13. Ayelander

    Just need a stronger shovel.

    Just need a stronger shovel.
  14. Ayelander

    I mean, being the one sober guy around drunkies is a pretty fucking shit experience no matter...

    I mean, being the one sober guy around drunkies is a pretty fucking shit experience no matter who it is.
  15. Ayelander

    I imagine it's some kind of tutorial.

    I imagine it's some kind of tutorial.
  16. Ayelander

    I could feel the death around me, everything outside of my vision no longer existed.

    I could feel the death around me, everything outside of my vision no longer existed.
  17. Ayelander

    Morrowind could use more wind.

    Morrowind could use more wind.
  18. Ayelander

    If you believe hard enough, maybe.

    If you believe hard enough, maybe.
  19. Ayelander

    Mist is fucking weird man. Almost never get it down here. Looking back and seeing the place that...

    Mist is fucking weird man. Almost never get it down here. Looking back and seeing the place that was crystal clear a second ago fogged up.
  20. Ayelander

    They don't want videogames, they want movies with viewer input.

    They don't want videogames, they want movies with viewer input.