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  1. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Made a satirical video set in New Vegas

    Somewhat racist and pretty poor quality though sorry! Rate my super mutant impression btw
  2. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Ms. Bishop used jet before Myron invented it? I'm sorry but weren't they both in Fallout 2 where Myron had invented jet before the PC left Arroyo? I haven't played in a while but that sounds pretty dubious. Chris said the FO bible is not canon because he was no longer associated with the ip...
  3. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Render Distance extremely low

    Not sure why but enemies and characters are constantly disappearing and reappearing on the map. Is this normal? And why?
  4. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    Oh and for VO just hold auditions for random characters, see if the volunteer has the range to do multiple characters. And try to accept quality over quantity. I'd recommend only having certain "talking heads" voice acted at that point.
  5. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    I agree that you should avoid reusing assets like the plague. I had a few acquaintances ask if you needed help but whether or not they were sincere is unknown. Do you need writers, artists or animators?
  6. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    One of my friends said that van buren planned to let you choose between real time and turn based combat. Any plans to attempt that? Will you accept donations at a later stage? Are you willing to accept help from people at this point? (Voice work, writing, modeling)
  7. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    Ah looks better than van buren's.
  8. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    Can't really tell how it works. Maybe add some placeholder items and buttons?
  9. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Minor factions are what make or breaks role-playing experience in any franchise, and here's why

    That's pretty eye opening. I never would have noticed it until you pointed it out despite experiencing the effects of having no real minor factions.
  10. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    Man I know a lot of y'all are not letting yourself get hyped but I'm fucking pumped for some legion content
  11. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    I really hate: Veronica, Boone, Lynette, Arcade. I can't recall his name but I don't like the mob boss in fo2 that freaks out when you bang his daughter in reno. Veronica is a hippy, Boone is a mopey profligate, and Arcade is pretentious. Lynette is designed to make you angry. Everything from...
  12. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Enclave or Unity

    I gotta go with the Master because he is a tragic hero and I really like sympathizing with the enemy. Edit: Also because I personally believe Fallout 1 had the best story in video game history and the Master's voice acting was so damn good I got chills.
  13. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    You guys plan on using voiced characters? I'm torn on what I prefer because the Master was so well done but some games with no voiced characters (age of decadence) have so much personality that a voice sometimes doesn't deliver.
  14. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Or you can walk up the black mountain path until you see a patrol going up a dirt road. It's trapped with a boulder and bear traps. Trigger those and sneak up the path. Then just hop down the cliff face. You should be close to the NCR ranger stache. From there just walk to new vegas.
  15. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    His arguments were mainly: A) Fo3 is much larger than Vegas B) Fo3 has more content than Vegas C) Vegas had a linear start I don't know about the actual map size but I'm sure Vegas beats 3 in content and the start thing is objectively false.
  16. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Except a linear path implies there is only one way to go from point A to point B. The open is nonlinear with the black mountain path as it now has two ways to get to B. There are two other ways (through deathclaws or cazadores) that I'm excluding due to the sheer difficulty of passing them. A...
  17. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    I believe he meant as in exploration. Literally how many paths you can take from the start (the start being after the prologue i.e. after doc mitchell or after escaping the vault).
  18. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Project Van Buren

    I think the lore explanation was that they stumbled onto a huge amount of football gear and it was cheaper just to do that. But this would be before they had to be cost effective due to a huge war against the NCR so perhaps the elite of the legion can wear some neat roman inspired armour. Also I...
  19. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Arnust you can not actually prove the black moutain path was unintentional. Nor can you prove it was intentional. But it being there makes New Vegas' start objectively nonlinear.