Search results

  1. MPPlantOfficial

    "Atlus....fighting game." They don't know what they're getting themselves into. The FGC has to...

    "Atlus....fighting game." They don't know what they're getting themselves into. The FGC has to be the 2nd most negative (the 1st one being NMA) community. "This character's high punch button is too good!!!" "This attack is 2 frames too long!!!!" "Why is my favorite char never in Top 8s...
  2. MPPlantOfficial

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Camera placement/1st/3rd person is very important. Melee has never been implemented well in 1st person. The instant teleportation/leaps/superman agility/flight in Dishonored was just a way to implement a "good" melee system by doing most of the work for you. That said I'm still looking forward...
  3. MPPlantOfficial

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    apparently they already perfected Nutsack physics in 2004...
  4. MPPlantOfficial

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    this game need Nutsack physics for all characters regardless of chosen gender. Nutsack physics or Boycott
  5. MPPlantOfficial

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Come to think of it, Arcanum did this too. Character backstory affected status gains and bonuses. I even remember one backstory giving you that Stupid dialogue without your character actually having low int. If these are the same people at Troika implementing this feat then they know what...
  6. MPPlantOfficial

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    Key word: CHOOSING. At the end of the day it's just an extra checkbox. It would be "murrshun breaking" for me if my 6'6 Juggernaut with a sledgehammer gets referred to as "she" but that's just me. Who knows. There might be people who find this more immersive and good on them. What I WOULD like...
  7. MPPlantOfficial

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    What about: "but cArRy!nG 6 gUn$ @ oNcE iSs 'MURRSHUN BREAKING!!!!!!1!!!"
  8. MPPlantOfficial

    I meant source that the sequel was gonna be "tvvice da EsSJayDubba" found it. Not worried...

    I meant source that the sequel was gonna be "tvvice da EsSJayDubba" found it. Not worried about the OPTION to check a box to select your "gender pronoun" but pretty worried about the Malkavian gameplay since one of the writers stated some of the Malk dialogue back then were "tasteless" while...
  9. MPPlantOfficial

    Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

    I'm more worried about it being camera angle since melee has never been implemented well in 1st person. Hmm... Adding points to melee did open a few paths and allowed you to break a few locks if I remember. If they're not gonna implement it in skillpoints then I hope they at least factor in clan...
  10. MPPlantOfficial

    @TorontRayne Source?

    @TorontRayne Source?
  11. MPPlantOfficial

    Hi everyone need feedback for my ANDROID game...

    Hi everyone need feedback for my ANDROID game:
  12. MPPlantOfficial

    Rate the Music Video Above Yours

    5/10. Good performance but not really a music video
  13. MPPlantOfficial

    Apex Legends

    looks like the exact same game as Frot Night, Anthem, Overwatch, Halo, Half life
  14. MPPlantOfficial

    Gabi Garcia >>>>>> Gazzy Garcia

    Gabi Garcia >>>>>> Gazzy Garcia
  15. MPPlantOfficial

    dON't 'cHu gUy$$$ hAvE Devs????

    These guys should apply for Activision:
  16. MPPlantOfficial

    dON't 'cHu gUy$$$ hAvE Devs????
  17. MPPlantOfficial

    Aladdin Trailer

  18. MPPlantOfficial

    So why do Bethesda fans responsd harshely to critism of their games?

    Thing with the 2d platformers comparison though is with 2d platformers there are different other mechanics at play. You have skillbased twitch ones with short levels and butter smooth controls and ability/key based Metroidvanias just to give an example. With fixed camera horror on the other hand...
  19. MPPlantOfficial

    Describe your ideal game

    Take Fallout of Nevada, add in 20 settlements and make the game 100x longer.