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  1. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    I didn't know Israel existed before WW2. That or the crystal ball that existed Europe predicted the founding of Israel. They are full of it but there are crazies in every race. So Black people being assholes is somehow better than White or Jewish people being assholes?
  2. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    In most countries, Jews are alienated so they can't assimilate or preserve their culture without a homeland. Nazis present themselves as the Master Race.
  3. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    @MutantScalper Now you just sound like those Neo-Nazis claiming everything is an evil plot by the Jews.
  4. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    What so bad about Jews? Or is nearly getting genocided not enough of a hardship?
  5. CaptJ

    Mouse problem

    This happens to me a lot. I think the mouse button has lost its springiness.
  6. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Yes but the statement that Black on Black crime isn't Black people's fault implies that Black people are somehow exempted from this basic rule which I believe is false. Maybe when people stop digging up the KKK. Also, when is BLM accountable for anything? When they all merge together into...
  7. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    What is "normal" for continent? This is just confusing.
  8. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Good, do you know the distinction between killing and murder?
  9. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Culture isn't race so it isn't racist. The Chinese language is a big part of Chinese culture but anyone can learn Chinese.
  10. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Apparently, an honest conversation should be one-sided. Yes, when a Black person does a crime, it is his fault.
  11. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    More absolving of personal responsibility or agency. Whenever I hear "have a honest conversation" it is never about how it is Black people fault. Is that what is a honest conversation should be? Ignoring the numbers?
  12. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Those exist but Being racist doesn't necessarily translate to murder. Not all killings of Blacks are a result of racism (see for example gang violence) Not all killings of Black people are unjustified. People in groups acting really stupid when they can get away with it? How unbelievable...
  13. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Would anyone still do business in those neighborhood after what happen? What is not "downplaying murder of blacks"? Making excuses for riots? Demanding to ignore due process? Asking for the abolishment of the police? Basically, yes. Not all forms of killings are murder.
  14. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Why do people keep repeating the mantra "Hands up! Don't shoot!" when that never happen in the whole confrontation with Michael Brown? Yet they still can't pick better example. Context and situation doesn't matter to BLM.
  15. CaptJ

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    I think that Unpopular Opinion Threads are stupid but I'll humor it. Man-made Global Warming is a thing but it is too late for preventative measures to revert the climate. Decisive action is necessary. Intersectionality is a harmful heuristic. LucasArts obsession of perfecting its "No fail...
  16. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Because it is easy to just shift money from one area to another in a society that is striving for a meritocracy. /sarcasm I already know about those robots but your Utopian future is far off because people. What the hell is this suppose to mean? Are you saying that rich isn't taking advantage...
  17. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    As a whole, we make more than enough food for everyone. The problem is storage, transportation, inventory, distribution, waste, corruption, trust, sovereignty... actually it is just stupid to assume that an age-old economic problem has a simple solution. Also, warlords but throwing money to the...
  18. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    Rioting isn't protesting. Why can't they pick better examples? Most of the media refuses to condemn the rioters. Police brutality isn't an exclusively Black problem. Sacrifice implies purposeful destruction. Laws are social contracts. It is not so much about right or wrong but what is...
  19. CaptJ

    Black Lives Matter

    As a person outside the US, I'm disgusted by the idea of some moron who doesn't have to feel the consequences of the rioting shrugging off damages and injures as minor or for the greater good. Imagine this extreme hypothetical situation. Imagine a society where Black people are enslaved; and to...