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  1. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    So BLM is not a group? You can't have it both ways. see Maybe your memory too short for self-reflection. What is wrong with Richard Dawkins? Did he said the wrong thing just one time and it is time throw him under the bus?
  2. CaptJ

    Quick Pockets was insanely overpowered in FO1/2.

    Quick Pockets was insanely overpowered in FO1/2.
  3. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    Because disagreeing on something means agreeing on another thing. You must live a easy life to have everything so mutually exclusive or black-white. You tell me you, fucking racist. Again, why do you think that I'm White? I'll tell you why. Because it is easier for you call a White person a...
  4. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    That is nothing to be proud of if it gets in the way of your objective news reporting.
  5. CaptJ

    Multiplayer Cancer, multiplayer is killing games.

    It is a bit late but I really doubt it. They aren't competent enough and the flaws of their games become more apparent in multiplayer. You might be saying that modders already managed to get multiplayer to work in certain degree but remember that their main market is console players. I doubt a...
  6. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    I was not okay with any of that. America's two party system is cancer. I'm convinced that if Hitler and Stalin ran for Republican and Democrat party, one of them would win. Even after all this, neither party can gain a modicum of self reflection that the only sane solution is swinging left and...
  7. CaptJ

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    But muh atmosphere! To me, Fallout is dead. Even if Bethesda is somehow gone and the rights of the IP is handed over to the original team, people's expectations of the series has changed to totally different direction. Nothing short of time travel can save the series. It is better that people...
  8. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    So a White majority country is racist for having White presidents and Blacks are more oppressed than Jews, Chinese, and Native Americans? Also, why are you so fucking racist? Why do you assume that I'm White? Do you hate my people (even thought you most likely don't know what people that I...
  9. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    V.S. the zero Chinese, Jewish, Female, or Native American presidents.
  10. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    Are you implying that I'm White? Even then you are talking about race rather than being part of an organization. If you actually addressed the arguments, I would actually give an actual counterargument. Last time I checked slavery is illegal in America. Also, a systematically racist country...
  11. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    As opposed to apathetic anger? Because people weren't like that before. I still hate social media. I guess smashing cars and windows and looting stores are acts of peaceful protest. Then they should stop that one guy doing those things. And others condone it too. I guess you would be okay...
  12. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    What misrepresentation? Are those riots just false flags? What can be attributed to BLM? Does everyone in BLM have to be merged into a giant blob of flesh to be held accountable to anything? And please don't bring up Fox News, the sole dissent that has already been thoroughly discredited in a...
  13. CaptJ

    What's Trump up to now?

    TYT has been awful for a very long time longer than that. Partnering with Al Jazeera was such a moral decision. Also, "softballing Trump"? Do actually think that is the problem and not them spraying bullets around instead taking aim. If that was softballing what do you call it when Obama was in...
  14. CaptJ

    Is it possible to completely port New Vegas

    Porting FO:NV into OpenMW would be a better use of anyone's time.
  15. CaptJ

    Is there anything canon to take from Fallout 4?

    Honestly, FO4 has nothing positive to add to the series. While FO:NV has said cats are extinct, FO: Van Buren wanted to introduce them in a location. I even dislike the animated perk icons. I believe that most content from FO3/4 should be mocked like having "You can't be President. You're an...
  16. CaptJ

    Is there anything canon to take from Fallout 4?

    I wrote a detailed explanation of my point but I was afraid that I might have gone off topic. Honestly with the FO4 style Power Armor thing, I rather have actual vehicles.
  17. CaptJ

    Is there anything canon to take from Fallout 4?

    But how will Bethesda pointlessly scale their games to infinity? Balance is good if it encourages different playstyles and focuses on what makes those playstyles fun. What I don't like about AoD is combat system is how in someways it is worse than FO1's combat (IMO the ways that matter). It...
  18. CaptJ

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    It isn't about making combat pointless; it is about anti-grinding of the same mob type. Also, random fetch quests and bounties are going to be pointless busy work.
  19. CaptJ

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    There is a reason why these games have a level cap. Games are not meant to be played forever. Try rewarding other methods like stealth and diplomacy or maybe just have the enemies be scared of the player. I heard about a JRPG that changes the Run command to "Let it go" when the level difference...
  20. CaptJ

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    I don't know. Some people are questioning whether RPGs should give Exp. just for killing enemies. I was thinking about something like having certain mob encounters no longer giving Exp. in a FO1/2 random encounter system.