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  1. Werwolf

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Rare picture of PA 9/10 It's undead female from Warcraft X on face - because her eyes hmmm... rot
  2. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I'm thinking about this rifles (all cheap enough and allowed to buy, just need to join some hunters community or get permission from local pig): "TOZ" shotgun, living history of russian hunting weapons, since 1902 12g (also 16g but rare) "МЦ-20" magazine shotgun, AFAIK for professional...
  3. Werwolf

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Some two header dude? 3/10
  4. Werwolf

    Your desktop image.

    This is mine:
  5. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    So which weapon best in 7,62x51mm (AR/STG - like ones, nt sniper) ?
  6. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I heard Germany have a lot of noneeded G3 rifles. Are they for selling? Nice weapon too. 7,62x51 whoa I like it. Most hated caliber for me is 5,45x39mm of crap, named "AK-74".
  7. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    It means not only space. Also in extremely hot and cold weather. Try to use M16 in Arctic - it will explode
  8. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Probably people will use ammo as money in future
  9. Werwolf


    Feminism is absolutely wrong What gonna happen if somethink like "Titanic" will sink today? Only strongest mans will survive? I dont wanna this happen. I want to womans and childrens survive first. Feminism crap.
  10. Werwolf

    Fallout Haiku

    I dont know what Oasis But know what inside its residents Intensities on my ripper Next: Guarding caravans
  11. Werwolf

    Are we better prepared for the future (wasteland) ?

    I improved my lockpick skill much. I will own gun from hunters shot using that skill. After, that, i will shoot only in eyes and sometimes groin. Thanks to Fallout
  12. Werwolf


    Womans have smaller brains. And they can't fight. Also they have cool tits. offotop: How can I get "achievements"?
  13. Werwolf

    Fallout IRC channel

    Is there any other Fallout channels?
  14. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Right, Nagant have very little sound without any silencer too. With silencer it probably more silent than automatic pistols with it. I wish to own some 7,62 AKM. This is only weapons, that works in space. So it will exists in landing-to-Alpha-Centauri time. Not accurate as M16, but more...
  15. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    crap!!! plastic details will be weared away quickly and gun will fire by itself or something
  16. Werwolf

    Favorite Quote

    Also Myron, when trying to shoot wounded enemy: "Please die, please die, please die, please die!!!"
  17. Werwolf

    Favorite Quote

    Marcus with minigun: "Enemy, meet gun. Gun, meet enemy."
  18. Werwolf

    If your character had the option to settle down in a F2 town

    Tanker in San Francisco best place for me. Other good place: NCR. but I thimk it will crowded by Enclave after Oilrig boom
  19. Werwolf

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I have only this: I have only chance to score critical in eyes and then RUN!
  20. Werwolf


    I like meat from that bears.