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  1. Money4U

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    I wonder why they did not released day one patch for most common bugs at least, they knowed about them long before the game release (press reviews, leaks etc.), all that hype for nextgen Fallout game and ''new'' engine with x64bit support was for nothing. I still remember what Todd was saying...
  2. Money4U

    The making of Fallout 4 - Game Informer article

    Haha.. What the hell?!
  3. Money4U

    Fallout 4 Launch Trailer

    They claim that F4 is their most ''ambitious'' game to date.. WTF.. After all that striping of RPG elements, two endings and forcing you to join some stupid ''dead'' factions? Don't forget about that dad/son ''thing''.. I forgot about something? For sure but who cares?! Lol P.S. You can read...
  4. Money4U

    Fallout 4 Launch Trailer

    Well did you guys see it coming?
  5. Money4U

    New Fallout 4 screenshots this time on PC

    How anyone can actually play PC version of Fallout 4 now? They say that there is no whole game on disc so the rest needs to be downloaded from Steam, so how anyone could be playing it 5-6 days before release?
  6. Money4U

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Odd, but I don't see a single option for water this time.. Also it looks like it still be DX9 game, hope I'm wrong.
  7. Money4U

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    OMG.. That jumping animations.. I just can't. Buahaha...
  8. Money4U

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Ok, I'm going to say something ''optimistic'', I can't wait to see what Obsidian will ''cook'' (:wiggle:) from this upgraded engine, they will probably do better job again in like 13 months than Bethesda have done in 4-7 years.. :puppy-dog: Or Bethesda will not allow them to do so, so Obsidian...
  9. Money4U

    Fallout 4 music preview

    I really hated almost all music from F3, it was just too ''generic'' and ''empty'' for me, but in New Vegas I liked most of it, also New Vegas included many tracks from F1 and F2.
  10. Money4U

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    OMG! I can't believe it! You actually made it Bethesda! You surprised me again! I could never guess that you will actually make even worsen game than F3 ever was! That badass dog in fire! Lol Ok, Obsidian please come and fix it AGAIN, but to be honest some things like animations and facial...
  11. Money4U

    Fallout 4 achievements and trophies available

    This is really strange (ridiculous?) to talk about the story in less than two weeks before the premiere, I mean what are they thinking to not give us any information about it. It will be really that bad again?! lol
  12. Money4U

    Fallout 4 achievements and trophies available

    But wait! This time the father will be looking for his son and probably wife! Lol
  13. Money4U

    Fallout 4 achievements and trophies available

    In my opinion the best enemy AI has F.E.A.R. from 2005.. Sometimes I wanted to play SP more than MP, due to ''stupid kids'' style of playing and cheaters ;-) I really think that especially big companies should consider improving AI and physics more instead of only graphics and action all the time..
  14. Money4U

    Fallout 4 achievements and trophies available

    There was 7 companions in Bugthesda's Fallout 3 and 8 in New Vegas (excluding DLC's), but if I remember correctly they said that there will be 9 companions in F4 including non humanoids. About news, well maybe the story will not be so damn linear this time? Yeah right, it's Beth you fool! Lol
  15. Money4U

    Fallout 4 has now gone gold

    For me waiting will be much longer.. Maybe I will buy this sh*t after it will be patched with hundreds official and unofficial patches. Plus with all dlc's and mods like SkyUI (FallUI). But the biggest question is if moders will be able to do something about SKILLS system (or lack of it).. Maybe...
  16. Money4U

    Luck Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    Hello all! :grin: Just wanna to say that Fallout 3 actually look like a good game now compared to what has been show for Fallout 4 LOL No skills, dumped down dialogue system, unkillable dog and companions etc.. They did not even bother with Hardcore mode from New Vegas? Really ''Bugthesha''...