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  1. A

    Bethesda is going to make a Stalker game

    Considering the large number of spin-off novels written in the STALKER universe (I think there's like what, at leat 50?), it's certainly rather vast and rich. I've never been a fan, but they seem to be a hit with the general public in the Russian-speaking world. Yeah, a CoD-clone seems more...
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    Insane Steam Sale

    Damn, this game is soooo much fun!
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    Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

    I'd say this one is actually more Polish than ID :P
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    Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

    I dunno, often enough to have to take it into consideration when aiming. I'm not saying it's stellar, but it's slightly refreshing to see rather than have all bots run along straight linear waypoints and disregard any damage done to them.
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    Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

    Well, mildly intelligent. When was the last time you saw AI try to actually dodge your bullets rather than just run mindlessly at you?
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    Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

    What, really? D'oh! Anyway, been playing some of this game, good impressions overall, but a few complaints too. I really like the atmosphere, the weapon design. Enemy AI is pretty basic, but somehow feels intelligent at the same time - I'm not sure what was the last time (if ever) I saw an...
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    Insane Steam Sale

    They're both excellent games. SoC is more atmospheric, CoP is more polished and focused. I would recommend you to install the "Complete" mods when you play them if you have a decent PC, the mods give the games some very noticeable graphic improvements.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I did play M&B for a while, though I forget which edition it was. Fun game overall, but gets a tad repetitive after a while, especially since it's just sandbox w/o any real goals.
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    Insane Steam Sale

    Yeah, the newer one. Hey, it might go on a higher sale later. If not, it's still well worth the money. I would've bought them if I hadn't already finished both games multiple times through.
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    Insane Steam Sale

    I highly recommend the Ys games :D
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    Neverwinter Online - thoughts?

    I see the point of your rant, but it seems a bit misplaced here. Of course, from just a few previews I can't comment on the quality of the game, though from what I've seen it's hardly a WoW clone, more like a mix of a SP sandbox game like Amalur and instance-based MMOs. On marketability...
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    Games you don't want to play again

    ^ I'd recommend the DoM (Disciples of Mortis) mod to refresh the Disciples 2 experience. It completely rebalances the existing units and adds new ones, adds some new items as well. However, I don't recall if it's available in English or not. You're right though, the single-player charm of the...
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    Neverwinter Online - thoughts?

    It doesn't look like it's waves - more like a combination of random spawns in overworld wild areas, like in a typical MMO, plus strategic monster encounter placement as typical for instanced MMOs and PnP DnD. So far, the combat reminds me more of Kingdoms of Amalur tbh.
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    Neverwinter Online - thoughts?

    So what's everyone think about this game? I used to be pretty skeptical about it, but the gameplay previews for it look pretty darn good. The combat looks pretty fluid if a tad too twitchy, and the graphics are shiny. One thing I'm wondering is whether they'll make their announced Q4 2012...
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    Blacklight: Retribution

    Well, see, I think that balance is important for competitive games, so F2P models like this tend to ruin the experience both for those who pay and for those who don't. From another perspective, grinding is boring, and instant gratification is boring as well. There are definitely better ways...
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    Blacklight: Retribution

    Well, frankly, the players with those "side-grades" in TF2 do tend to be stronger, if not by very much. LoL though, yeah, it's mostly cosmetic. It's more similar to the (better) f2p model where you pay for content rather than upgrades.
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    Blacklight: Retribution

    I know it sounds good in theory, but from experience, I don't trust this F2P model, not one bit. Eventually the cash warriors end up with all the best stuff and unbalance the game. Otherwise, what idiot would pay 7+ bucks to "rent" a gun if you can get the same in a game or two? The devs would...
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    Blacklight: Retribution

    I've played a game with a similar "rental" system once, and it's still BS, IMO. Here, looks like different wrapper, same content. It's kind of cool how you can make all the different guns with parts, but it also takes P2W to level 9000. Bottom line - cash shop with superior items as...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I was nostalgic for DoTA, but too cheap to pay for the new one, so I'm playing LoL. Dunno why, but it's pretty fun. Horrible community, though.
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    Games you don't want to play again

    There are also games that don't aim for replayability and are just as fine without it. These are, for example, open-world exploration games that let you play indefinitely just before or even after completion, and allow you to do everything in one playthrough. That could be something like...