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  1. A

    New Baldur's Gate Game

    That's why I'm saying - if they're doing a remake, the first thing they shoulda done is get rid of IE or completely overhaul it. The reason being (obviously) that IWD2 used the 3.0 ruleset. BG in 3.5 would be nice, it's my favourite (thanks to TOEE). Or maybe they'll convert it to 5e? I...
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    Eh, it had some good games, but the engine itself was pretty damn horrible. Clunky, and rather ugly-looking. And gawd, the pathfinding. I also associate it with RTwP, which I dislike. I do also have a feeling that they'll gobble up lots of fan patches and take credit :roll: We'll see though.
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    Tons of old games got reboots on cellphones, smartphones, etc. So it's not that outlandish.
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    Backgrounds... BG2 is fine, but BG1 still needs a serious overhaul. Also, IIRC, TOEE backgrounds are mostly 3D, unlike the solid painter ones in BG. So something like that would be pretty unlikely on the IE.
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    North Carolina cancelled, Layoffs at Obsidian

    Haha yeah, I'm sure the reviewers were surprised that the checks from Beth said "give it below 85" instead of "above 90" haha.
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    ^ That just means FO4 is going to come soon, so all's right with the world XD Curious teaser but we'll see how it goes. Among various things, seems weird that they'd keep the Infinity Engine. So maybe it's not a true overhaul, just some polishing up akin to the various TuTu mods. I suppose...
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Must've been the writers watching TTGL and going "that's kinda cool, let's do that". Except that I agree with you that if you try to present that with a straight face, it doesn't really work.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Nah, it's pretty nice. They could've really been more imaginative with the "III", it's been done to death, but otherwise, looks shiny. Especially considering how much worse and cutified cartoony it looks in-game :roll:
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    They could turn Edwin's personal quest in BG2 into a romance! With the sex changes and all... Gah, no thanks, one "spiritual sequel" to BG was enough. I don't trust Bioware to make a good game these days.
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I can't take seriously anyone who claims/implies that the Eva ending is good/well-written. It's just not.
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    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    It's a beauty indeed. Shame it's kinda short though.
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    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    I dunno, I think true TB combat is not all much less common today than 5-10 years ago. We've had Frozen Synapse, Disciples III, HOMM VI, just to name a few big ones. Not to mention that PSP, NDS and to a lesser extent PS3 are full of Japanese so-called TRPGs which have remained strong - for...
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    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    It's pretty likely that they will have "prepare action" type moves a'la Frozen Synapse and/or "simultaneous turns" a'la TOEE.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Woot! The IWD mod for NWN2 is out of beta! The time's ripe to play this bad boy :mrgreen: I wish I could decide on the type of party to play...
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    You're right, it's definitely abused, but it's not always bad. I think it depends on the execution more so than the fact. If the protagonist goes off in a cliche blaze of glory to save the universe, it is indeed cheap and boring. On the other hand, if he's gone because the story could not have...
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    Doom 4 anyone?!

    Serious Sam 2 doesn't exist. There's only SS:FE, SS:SE and SS:BFE. (Yeah SS2 is that bad). But Doc is right, it's about the preference for open-air versus closed corridor shooters. SS series takes more after Unreal, which started moving the emphasis away from cramped labyrinthine corridors...
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    I dunno, considering the range of facial expressions on Shepard, I can only imagine it being really awkward. Well, sex scenes in Bioware games have always made me laugh to begin with. I still remember that bug in DA:O that prevented armor removal during those scenes. Nothing like humping a...
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    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    ^ Hahahaha that's hilarious. They better hope they acquired the proper rights for the stock photos or they can get their asses sued :D And oddly, I just watched TTGL today. Funny similarities, though I doubt ME3 has much "drilling" other than in the certain sex scenes :roll:
  20. A

    Doom 4 anyone?!

    This is, no doubt, the nostalgia in you speaking. If you, like me, grew up on SS:SE, you'd be all over it. IMO, the "good" new shooters are no worse than the oldies, but they lack the "omg I played this as a kid" factor which varies from person to person.