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  1. G

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    Me too and? 1 shot with combat shot gun and yo gi is dead not so good pet :) Any way animals should atacke in groups...imagine 3-5 yo gi bears :)
  2. G

    Your Favorite Non-Player Character (is there any?) /spoilers

    Thats worst part...stupid mutant... Any way Moira and Mr.Brotch are funny characters...
  3. G

    Team member is thief...

    Ehh sorry what?
  4. G

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    Its not bloodfly?:) LOL i dident even bother to read how poor fly is named :) Any way thank you for correcting me... And i think Brahmin pet would be cool :)
  5. G

    More Melee Weapons

    Idea is good after all your taking part from radscorpion with venom so why not boost weapons?
  6. G

    Team member is thief... i quess its impossible right? If yes then please delete this topic thanks...
  7. G

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    dr and damage dont matter... here they start matter... Funny...and whats bloat fly?:)
  8. G

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    Well Deathclaw arent animals exactly in F2 they could talk on in Navarro and Goris as ever in FT all of them talked :)
  9. G

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    Re: Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand. Overkill?:)
  10. G

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    Hm i know what you mean im just saying Animal Friend would be required to have other pet than stupid mutt...or you could buy one from scavange like robot....
  11. G

    [REL]Bobbleheads->Cat's Paw magazines

    Milkman your a smart guy nothing more too add :) Any way i wonder if it would be possible to make it for player and AI...imagine Super Mutant shots at you with rocker launcher and you lose leg...your bleeding and crawling away and you get another missile in ass...yup game of the year if they...
  12. G

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    Hm no Radaway?:) i cant find too much radaway my self... Any way Dubby you could remove stimpacks at begining in vault first box you find 10 and morphine... And if someone dont use vats Perception will help too? I think its good idea to consider dynamic crosshair now that you...
  13. G

    "Stupid" Dialogue

    Every company is doing that :(
  14. G

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    Agread Perk Animal Friend could be helpfull with it...
  15. G

    More Melee Weapons

    No tribals so no spears :) damn i miss canibals :) Katana sword but it would not fit into game...
  16. G

    [REL]Bobbleheads->Cat's Paw magazines

    Well interesting but...common you lose leg or arm and then what you magicly stop bleeding and walk to town buy a paroot and wood leg...still would be funny to torture super mutans 2 legs off and you watch him crawling hehe... About bleed out effect good idea...also blood could atract...
  17. G

    Requesting an option to kill the console

    If his monitor dies...then do to his weekness he cant self restraint he will become one of these junkie,alkocholic or he will masturbate until his eyes pop out just like avatar of The Wandering Milkman...
  18. G

    Team member is thief...

    Hey well my problem is this i made a nerd-evil char so i got problem with combat... So i hired Jericho everything is cool until i noticed i need to deal 50%+ to get some XP even if i deal 75%+ i still get same so mostly my nerd hero with 10mm vs Assult Rifle you know who kills i...