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  1. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Populism = Democracy Democracy < Liberty Sorry buddy but when a popular opinion is accepted by a majority that is democracy, weather you agree or don't. You can get infuriated by simple arguments and call them not applicable but they can be used to convey ideas related to the topic, I am not...
  2. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well I do understand your upper points, I argue against more government control most of the time, but in my comparison I was not trying to say that the homeless people are bad, or that we should not help them. Just there may be better ways to help them besides having them knocking on your door...
  3. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Uhhmmm sorry but I live in a country that happily accepts immigrants, legal immigrants. I have worked with many, I have welcomed them into my extended family, I have them as friends. They have come from Egypt, Ireland, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, and Pakistan. I understand. All of them came...
  4. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Here let me put this another way to you, if a homeless guy comes to the door to your house, are you going to let him in and feed him? My guess is no, and it would not matter if it is cold or they are hungry. Do you have the food to feed him, yes, do you have a nice warm house he could sleep...
  5. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Ahhh but it is not ethical or moral. Feed a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for life. This means that you are only supporting there inept values and ways by feeding them now, while the hard lesson is to learn to support themselves to be responsible for...
  6. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Hmmm, seems to me they have all been encouraged to apply for asylum, but the staff can only process 100 applications per day so not blocked, but short staffed and needs more funding for more staff. As for starving outside, don't see how that is the US's problem, they chose to show up, and that...
  7. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Ok, so that to me is different from an "economic refugee", to me you are talking about regular immigration here. You want to move to a country that has better economic conditions so you apply to become a citizen, or the country in question opens a program for skilled workers like Canadas...
  8. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    I thought you got banned from this discussion? Oh well you don't seem to remember your own posts from a couple of months ago dancing around all happy about Trump and people's deaths during the fires.
  9. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Your right keeping your eye on 1000 miles of open border is hard, but in this day and age it is possible (seems like 5 bil is only a good start), Trump is not against immigration just against open immigration of letting anyone in, this is why he talked up Canada's system before we elected a Turd...
  10. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    I believe that is where the electronic monitoring would come in.... you know what the Dems want.....
  11. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    So illegal's don't have a hard trip up through Mexico, pretty sure I can find amply evidence that they do, voting records are online go look at schumers, illegals didn't kill those people? Illegals are not criminals, by the pure act of crossing the border illegally they have become criminals...
  12. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    I don't think that you are unbiased, but yes on a whole I think the post would not post fully biased crap. Did you watch his address, did you watch the democrat reply, go watch them and form your own opinion. I did and I agree Trump was rather presidential for once and calling for compromise...
  13. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    The question should more of be: Did any of you even watch his address or just went to your automatic Drumpf is an idiot and a dictator? Here a good unbiased opinion from the Washington post...
  14. GonZo_626

    Your GOTY 2018

    GOTY 2018 for me is BattleTech but only with the roguetech mod.
  15. GonZo_626

    What are the best things? (recommendations thread?)

    I will call it all off it you can admit that this is one of the best!
  16. GonZo_626

    What are the best things? (recommendations thread?)

    Your a libertarian who sides with the legion, I am not all that concerned as you seem to be mostly confused anyway hahaha. My strong chin and beard will beat your only strong chin any day hahaha.
  17. GonZo_626

    What are the best things? (recommendations thread?)

    I'd fight you for that, NOFX has not made a good album since So long and thanks for all the shoes. White Trash, 2 heebs, and a bean was the best!
  18. GonZo_626

    I Had a Dream I Was a Vigilante’s Sidekick

    Hmmm would I rather of have had the 2 guys stop the shooter, then have to wait longer? OF FUCKING COURSE I WOULD, who knows what his next shot would have done. That is called self-defense, not vigilantism. And as far as the "justice" system is going these days I find myself agreeing more and...
  19. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    As I posted before: Here is a fun study of mass shootings.
  20. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Bah, the only reason for that technological advancement was so we don't need to chase them and beet them to death, agriculture over chasing deer with sharp stone on stick. Grains don't run at all. As for hunting without firearms...