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  1. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Is B more manly, sure, but it also seems really hard and stupid and ain't nobody got time for that so I will stick with A. I mean every technological advance in human history can pretty much be summed up as to not do option A. Caveman puts sharpened stone on stick, good now I don't have to...
  2. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Yeah the wiki article does not go into it very well, but this was a very big case going on in Canada so I have knowledge of reading lots of articles about it. The wiki does not really do it justice and you would have to read many articles to get up to speed. I found a better one to illustrate...
  3. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    It is and it isn't, notice how I said punishment through process. Also that article is from when we had a Conservative government and not with the shitbag Turdeau running the country. Our police force will do things differently depending on if they think the gov will spank them...
  4. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    The question back would be what specs, as the AR-15 is kinda like lego and can be built many ways, also there are not many smaller rifles then an AR (caliber wise), but there are a lot of bigger rifles. As far as a semi-auto firing .223 for self defense well to me its not ideal unless I am in...
  5. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Unfortunately no, due to there scary look we are not allowed to hunt with AR-15's in Canada. But yes I do know people who have shot a deer with a ruger mini-14, which is a very similar rifle besides the cosmetics. While arguable many people consider .223 a fine deer hunting round, moose not so...
  6. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    There is only one real answer to this question and you know it. They look scary.
  7. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    So was the lee enfield .303, and etc... honestly the list could go on for a long time on rifles and action types (and technology in general) that were designed for the military but find use in the civilian market afterwards. Hell most bolt action rifles nowadays are still using the almost exact...
  8. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    To say a gas-powered intermediate rifle is inherently military is only has true as saying a bolt-action rifle is the same, or lever-action, or a muzzle-loader, crossbow, longbow... Just because it is a replacement for a previous version does not make it inherently military as everything that...
  9. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Ok so, I have read through the last few pages, and although you took it as me saying that you should have no say that was not my intent. What I was saying is look into what your current laws are, learn what it takes to get firearms in your country (which is not much). Reading through the last...
  10. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    And that right there is the main issue about gun control. It is generally people who know jack shit who ask for more gun control, I don't mean any offense to you but this is the standard I find almost everywhere. So to all, please inform yourself on a topic before you polarize your opinion on it.
  11. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Question here, from my understanding you would still need to follow federal laws right? If so the grenade launchers and mini-guns need background checks as you need a federal approval. As well as each single grenade being considered with the federal tax stamp on them so an extra $250 on top of...
  12. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Good question, most gun control laws never even think about it. While I cannot own those above (real assault rifles are own legal for those who had licenses before they were banned, grenades are a big no and I think the other two would have the UN knocking on your door), in Canada it is...
  13. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Shit you have no idea man, 3 grand parents immigrated to Canada straight from Ukraine, so there is most defiantly some mixing of that kind in there, but then there is the other quarter were they went and enjoyed a good portion of Europe before immigrating to the US where my great grandfather...
  14. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    You know how I know your a racist, because everything boils down to race for you. What human rights are African Americans missing right now that the Asian Americans get or for that mater Caucasians?? When has the US been at war with China? I know there have been wars with some Asian nations...
  15. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    I thought we already have established that the US police could use some better training. Here is one back for you.
  16. GonZo_626

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    While I am not American, we got about 0.30m that came down throughout Sunday.
  17. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Yeah that fact was brought up a lot in the comments 1 shooting incident with 77 people dead really distorts the stats. Also one thing that some seem to be missing is that this article takes out mass shootings involving things like gang violence or where other crimes were intended and is only...
  18. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Here is a fun study of mass shootings.
  19. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    The Cabbage black market does exist, its called having a garden at home. Can you stop people from growing there own good cabbage? Imagine that the jackboots are stomping through your garden uprooting all those precious cabbage heads. And wow, look the ban will be over and cabbage will be back...
  20. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well this is just the stupidest thing I think you have ever said. It would take centuries of shooting in the states to even start to compare to what those who think they can enforce their will that way have done. I mean it would take 200 years just to catch up to the number of Jewish people...